英国《完整大学指南》专业排名之运动科学 | Sports Science

2012年 2011年 学校名称 学生满意度 入学标准 科研水平 毕业生的就业前景 总得分
1 1 Loughborough 4.1 424 2.75 69 100.0
2 3 Durham 3.9 389 2.65 72 98.4
3 6 Edinburgh 3.9 374 2.30 82 98.3
4 4 Exeter 4.2 393 2.20 72 97.7
5 5 Birmingham 4.1 377 2.75 58 96.6
6 2 Bath 4.2 363 2.30 66 95.9
7 7 Leeds 4.2 384 2.20 62 95.5
8 11 Leeds Metropolitan 3.8 311 2.30 69 93.9
9 15 Sheffield Hallam 4.0 312 2.15 69 93.7
10 9 Brunel 3.8 326 2.25 64 93.1
11 8 Brighton 4.0 276 2.10 69 92.4
12 - East Anglia 4.2 358 91.4
13 11 Liverpool John Moores 3.9 265 2.60 54 91.3
14 23 Hertfordshire 4.0 235 2.15 68 91.2
15 16 Chester 3.9 245 1.90 73 91.1
16 10 Bangor 3.9 266 2.25 61 90.9
17 13 Portsmouth 4.2 262 2.50 49 90.6
18 27 Northumbria 3.8 286 1.80 67 90.5
19 29 Heriot-Watt 3.8 293 1.85 64 90.4
20 14 Essex 4.0 303 2.25 49 90.3
21 20 UWIC, Cardiff 3.9 292 1.99 57 90.0
22 33 Aberdeen 4.1 265 2.00 58 89.9
23 19 Chichester 4.1 288 1.85 57 89.9
24 22 Glasgow 4.2 395 48 89.7
25 26 Aberystwyth 4.5 225 1.80 61 89.4
26 16 Ulster 4.0 241 2.10 57 89.2
27 27 Cumbria 3.9 232 76 89.0
28 16 Manchester Metropolitan 3.7 213 2.05 66 88.9
29 55 Kent 3.9 267 69 88.8
30 32 Hull 4.2 226 1.55 68 88.7
31 20 Bournemouth 3.9 275 65 88.4
32 38 Plymouth 3.8 260 2.50 42 88.4
33 30 Nottingham Trent 4.0 283 1.45 61 88.4
34 36 Strathclyde 3.8 2.00 51 87.7
35 54 Middlesex 3.9 190 76 87.6
36 40 Staffordshire 4.0 207 1.70 63 87.6
37 35 Oxford Brookes 3.9 297 87.5
38 46 Sunderland 4.0 223 2.05 51 87.4
39 42 Salford 4.0 250 2.20 42 87.4
40 36 Coventry 3.7 281 1.60 56 87.3
41 69 London Metropolitan 4.0 235 65 87.3
42 38 Worcester 3.8 286 58 87.2
43 24 Newman 4.0 207 1.30 71 87.2
44 48 Edinburgh Napier 3.9 272 58 87.1
45 31 Swansea 4.2 296 1.25 53 87.1
46 65 London South Bank 4.1 1.95 45 86.9
47 43 Greenwich 4.1 182 70 86.8
48 - West of Scotland 216 68 86.8
49 44 Lincoln 4.0 259 57 86.8
50 53 Winchester 4.3 246 55 86.7
51 57 Derby 3.8 251 61 86.5
52 48 Central Lancashire 4.0 233 61 86.5
53 48 Kingston 3.8 225 1.85 53 86.3
54 57 Leeds Trinity 3.9 192 68 86.2
55 46 St Mary's 3.9 220 1.40 62 86.2
56 40 Teesside 4.1 279 44 85.2
57 65 Gloucestershire 4.0 236 1.40 52 85.1
58 59 Abertay Dundee 221 60 85.1
59 67 Roehampton 3.8 195 1.25 65 84.9
60 48 Bedfordshire 3.4 178 1.80 59 84.8
61 56 Edge Hill 3.8 261 48 84.7
62 63 Glamorgan 3.8 246 1.65 41 84.0
63 59 Southampton Solent 4.4 234 40 83.9
64 61 York St John 3.9 215 1.40 49 83.6
65 72 Buckinghamshire New 3.5 202 1.60 51 83.5
66 63 West of England, Bristol 3.6 241 48 83.5
67 68 Northampton 3.9 211 48 83.4
68 33 Glyndwr 4.6 178 43 83.3
69 62 Canterbury Christ Church 3.8 188 1.75 45 83.3
70 25 Robert Gordon 3.1 283 1.90 32 82.8
71 70 University of Wales, Newport 4.1 178 48 82.8
72 52 East London 3.6 160 58 82.7
73 73 Bolton 3.7 248 41 82.6
74 38 Plymouth St Mark and St John 4.0 215 1.00 49 82.2


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[英国《完整大学指南》专业排名之运动科学 | Sports Science] 文章生成时间为:2011-08-24 21:23:18

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