
  立思辰留学360介绍,英国埃克塞特大学(University of Exeter)和澳大利亚昆士兰大学共同推出全奖双博士,申请截止日期为2017年9月11日,开学日期为2018年1月。

  Exeter & Queensland(全奖双学位博士项目简介)

  The University of Exeter and the University of Queensland are seeking exceptional students to join a world-leading, cross-continental research team tackling major challenges facing the world’s population in global sustainability and wellbeing as part of the recently launched QUEX Institute.

  The joint PhD programme provides a fantastic opportunity for the most talented doctoral students to work closely with world class research groups and benefit from the combined expertise and facilities offered at the two institutions.

  This prestigious programme provides full tuition fees, stipend, travel funds and Research Training Support Grants to the successful applicants.

  10 generous, fully-funded studentships are available for the best applicants, 5 offered by the University of Exeter and 5 by the University of Queensland.

  This select group will have the chance to study in the UK and Australia, and will graduate with a double degree from the University of Exeter and the University of Queensland.


  身体活动和营养(Physical Activity and Nutrition)

  The influence of Montmorency tart cherry supplementation on exercise performance, sleep and recovery

  Exeter Academic Lead: Assoc. Professor Joanna Bowtell

  Queensland Academic Lead: Dr Vincent Kelly

  Using caffeine and nitrate supplementation to augment adaptation to high intensity exercise training

  Exeter Academic Lead: Professor Andrew Jones

  Queensland Academic Lead: Dr Michael Leveritt

  Optimising the spring in your step - analysing the neuromechanical response of the human foot to varied surfaces and loads for improved footwear design

  Exeter Academic Lead: Dr Sharon Dixon

  Queensland Academic Lead: Dr Luke Kelly

  Measuring, understanding and influencing physical activity, health and productivity in sedentary blue-collar Australian and UK workers

  Exeter Academic Lead: Assoc. Professor Melvyn Hillsdon

  Queensland Academic Lead: Associate Professor Nicholas Gilson

  Improving physical activity in middle-aged working men using novel m-health strategies

  Exeter Academic Lead: Professor Charles Abraham and Assoc. Professor Melvyn Hillsdon

  Queensland Academic Lead: Professor Wendy Brown

  环境可持续发展(Environmental Sustainability)

  Coastal Peatlands of Subtropical Eastern Australia

  Exeter Academic Lead: Dr Angela Gallego-Sala

  Queensland Academic Lead: Assoc. Professor Patrick Moss

  Coral reef futures under climate change and ocean acidification

  Exeter Academic Lead: Dr Paul Halloran

  Queensland Academic Lead: Professor Peter Mumby

  Modelling the role of Biodiversity in Ecosystem Resilience to Climate Change: comparing tropical forests and coral reefs

  Exeter Academic Lead: Professor Peter Cox

  Queensland Academic Lead: Professor Peter Mumby

  Monitoring the world’s most threatened bird migration: the East Asian-Australasian Flyway

  Exeter Academic Lead: Dr Jason Chapman

  Queensland Academic Lead: Dr Richard Fuller

  Using integrative physiology to optimise diets for sustainable aquaculture and reassess optimal foraging theory in wild fish

  Exeter Academic Lead: Professor Rod W. Wilson

  Queensland Academic Lead: Professor Craig Franklin

  Examining trajectories of decline of megafauna in our coastal seas

  Exeter Academic Lead: Dr Ruth H. Thurstan

  Queensland Academic Lead: Professor John Pandolfi

  Restoration of marine coastal environments for climate change adaptation and mitigation

  Exeter Academic Lead: Professor Ian J Bateman

  Queensland Academic Lead: Professor Kerrie Wilson

  Dietary exposure to microplastic debris and associated chemicals

  Exeter Academic Lead: Professor Tamara Galloway

  Queensland Academic Lead: Professor Kevin Thomas

  健康老龄化(Healthy Ageing)

  Reproductive ageing in women

  Exeter Academic Lead: Professor Anna Murray

  Queensland Academic Lead: Professor Gita Mishra

  The Role of Assets and Deficits in Adverse Outcomes for Older People

  Exeter Academic Lead: Dr Iain A. Lang

  Queensland Academic Lead: Assoc. Professor Ruth Hubbard

  How do nutritional interventions affect male and female ageing rates?: an experimental genomic approach

  Exeter Academic Lead: Professor Alistair Wilson

  Queensland Academic Lead: Assoc. Professor Steve Chenoweth

  Adjustment to retirement as a process of social identity change

  Exeter Academic Lead: Assoc. Professor Thomas Morton

  Queensland Academic Lead: Professor Catherine Haslam

  Sexual Science, Medicine and Healthy Ageing in Historical Perspective

  Exeter Academic Lead: Professor Kate Fisher and Dr Jana Funke

  Queensland Academic Lead: Professor Peter Cryle

  Cross-disorder analyses of DNA methylation data for disorders of the brain

  Exeter Academic Lead: Professor Jonathan Mill

  Queensland Academic Lead: Naomi Wray

  Concussion Care and Neuro-Recovery

  Exeter Academic Lead: Assoc .Professor Huw Williams

  Queensland Academic Lead: Dr Vincent Kelly

  Parkinson’s and Implicit Motor Learning (PIMLico)

  Exeter Academic Lead: Dr Vicki Goodwin

  Queensland Academic Lead: Dr Anna Hatton

  Using genetics to understand the interaction between BMI and physical activity and risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes

  Exeter Academic Lead: Dr Andrew Wood

  Queensland Academic Lead: Professor Peter Visscher


  Successful applicants will have a strong academic background and track record to undertake research projects based in one of the three themes of: Physical Activity and Nutrition; Healthy Ageing; and Environmental Sustainability.


  To apply, complete the online form. You will be asked to submit some personal details and upload a full CV, supporting statement (不超过两页A4纸), academic transcript and details of two academic referees.

  Your supporting statement should outline your academic interests, prior research experience and reasons for wishing to undertake this project, with particular reference to the collaborative nature of the partnership with the University of Queensland, and how this will enhance your training and research.

  Applicants who are chosen for interview will be notified on 21 September 2017. Start date in January 2018.

  Please quote reference 2667 on your application and in any correspondence about this studentship.

  For general enquiries please contact doctoral.college@exeter.ac.uk



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[埃克塞特大学和澳大利亚昆士兰大学推出全奖双博士] 文章生成时间为:2017-08-24 19:07:00
埃克塞特大学(The University of Exeter)
  • 院校名称:埃克塞特大学
  • 学校类型:公立大学
  • 建校时间:1955年
  • 世界排名:163 世界排名:12
  • 学生人数:19000人
  • 院校地址:The University of Exeter The Queen’s Drive Exeter, Devon UK EX4 4QJ
  • 中文介绍:http://school.liuxue360.com/uk/exeter/
  • 埃克塞特大学(University of Exeter)创立于十九世纪中叶,是英国优秀的综合性大学之一。曾是英国大学“1994大学集团”成员之一。2012年3月12日,埃克塞特大学退出1994...…[详细介绍]

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