As you have seen, when I began my undergraduate career, I had the opportunity to be exposed to the full range of business courses, all of which tended to reinforce and solidify my intense interest in business administration. Meanwhile, I have had the opportunity to strengthen my mathematic groundwork by taking a number of key courses in our curriculum, such as calculus, linear algebra, theory of probability and computer programming. Looking back today, I should say they have been not only enjoyable but also enlightening, providing me with a sharper vision on the hustle and bustle of business world in the perspective of an analyst.
Majoring in insurance management, I have been engrossed in seeing the vast number of stochastic phenomena in various aspects of business world and human life. As a matter of fact, in the last four years of my studies, nothing seems more interesting to me than mastering the underlying principles concerning these magical phenomena, such as how to draw defensible conclusions from data collected in the presence of uncertainty. It comes all like a blessing from heaven when I find statistical analysis such a marvelous tool in helping us with the research work involving random factors in business administration, as well as guiding the business executives in making sensible decision in practical business operation. My thirst for knowledge concerning statistics thus went far beyond my own curriculum, giving rise to a strong will to further my studies in a graduate program of statistics.
I have noticed that the program I intend to join in your university includes three required theoretical courses and several elective ones. I will try my utmost to grab the essence of the theoretical courses you offer, as I have come to realize how essential solid theoretical knowledge is to further research and more advanced studies in areas of my interest. At the same time, I feel thrilled to be enabled to focus on an area of special interest later by taking some of the elective courses. I think my intended choices will be business statistics or statistical modeling. I hope I can spare time to learn more, for I think the statistical computing, sampling and survey research are also very interesting areas to me.
After I earn my master’s degree, I intend to pursue higher intellectual height in a Ph.D. Program in Business Administration with specialization in statistics. I am highly aware of the superb reputation of your school, and my conversations with one of my friends who is in your business school for supply chain’MBA have served to deepen my interest in joining you. I know that, in addition to your excellent faculty, your computing facilities are among the best in the state. I hope you will give me the privilege of continuing my studies at your prestigious institution and I am looking forward to your kindly offer.
You’re faithfully
Richard ZHANG