请注意!英国政府于2015年10月29日对 Tier1 Investor 200 万英镑投资移民的续签技术做了一些技术性的调整,并于2015年11月19日正式生效实施。
1.政策微调之一 联名购房
“Documents confirming the purchase of assets in the UK, showing the assets purchased, the value of these assets and the dates of purchase. When using property, only the unmortgaged portion of theapplicant‘s own home can be considered. The property must be owned by the applicant (or applicant and/or the husband, wife, civil partner, or unmarried or same-sex partner of the applicant) and the valuation must be provided on a report issued by a surveyor (who is a member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors ) in the six months prior to the date of application;”.
2. 政策调整二:辛迪加公司股权投资
针对计分积点制(Point-Based System)的Tier1的投资移民申请者们,应要注意英国政府规定,投资者所购买的辛迪加公司(Investment Syndicate Companies)股权或借贷资本的投资,是不被承认和计分的。
Changes relating to Tier 1 of the Points-Based System: Investment by way of share or loan capital in investment syndicatecompanies is not acceptable.