1 King‘s College London
2 Warwick
3 Southampton
4 Newcastle
5 Sheffield
6 Queen Mary
7 Birmingham
8 Sussex
9 Cumbria
10 Royal Holloway
11 Lancaster
12 Birmingham City
13 UEA
14 Nottingham Trent
15 Loughborough
15 Stirling
17 UWE Bristol
18 Hull
18 Keele
20 Westminster
21 Aberystwyth
22 Cardiff
22 City
24 Sunderland
25 Robert Gordon
26 Bournemouth
27 Lincoln
28 Queen’s, Belfast
29 Central Lancashire
30 Leeds
31 Northumbria
32 Oxford Brookes
33 Bedfordshire
34 University of the Arts, London
35 Goldsmiths
36 Gloucestershire
37 UC Falmouth
38 Hertfordshire
39 Edinburgh Napier
40 Arts UC, Bournemouth
41 Leicester
42 Ulster
43 Leeds Met
44 Liverpool John Moores
45 Middlesex
46 Kingston
47 De Montfort
48 London South Bank
49 Anglia Ruskin
50 Staffordshire