
University guide 2012: Computer sciences and IT

Design, exploitation and technology surrounding computing - includes computer sciences, information systems, software engineering, artificial intelligence

Rating Name of institution Guardian score /100 Satisfied with course (%) Satisfied with teaching (%) Satisfied with feedback (%) Student:staff ratio Spend per student (FTE) Average entry tariff Value-added score /10 Career after 6 mths
1 Cambridge 100 90 87 77 9.4 10 578 3 86
2 St Andrews 99.6 94 98 73 9.8 10 449 7  
3 Oxford 97.4 91 91 78 9.9   526 7  
4 Imperial College 92.3 88 85 64 16.1 10 506 7 84
5 Birmingham 91.7 92 90 71 9.5 10 403 7 74
6 York 88.6 91 89 58 9.7 10 456 4 78
7 Bristol 87.3 90 93 60 13.7 7 492 7 83
8 Southampton 83.5 92 86 51 10.3   458 9 69
9 Sussex 82.7 94 91 75 11.9 9 351 7 71
10 Stirling 82.2 96 94 84 13.7 4 271 10  
11 Lancaster 80.5 75 81 57 8.1 10 373 4 70
12 Bath 79 84 84 55 12 8 404 6 89
13 Glasgow 78.8 96 94 67 10 8 379 3 74
14 Leicester 77.7 80 87 78 13 6 348 8  
15 Leeds 77.1 80 86 68 8.4 10 353 2 76
16 Warwick 76.9 79 70 56 10.8 9 484 3 91
17 Edinburgh 76.4 90 83 44 8.5   433 7 73
18 UCL 74.8 91 84 62 13.3 8 418 5  
19 Manchester 74.3 81 78 60 11 10 396 3 78
20 Sheffield 73.4 88 82 58 13.9 8 384 8 77
21 Nottingham 72 85 81 65 15.3 9 354 4 74
22 Bournemouth 71.6 74 79 68 15.3 7 264 10 74
22 Loughborough 71.6 88 89 75 16.6 6 343 4 75
24 Liverpool 71 94 85 61 8.7 8 325 7 59
25 Exeter 69.9 79 80 75 10.9 3   7  
26 Surrey 69.4 78 81 72 21.2 6 397 6  
27 Durham 69.3 67 76 62 9.7 6 417 4 73
28 Newcastle 68.8 88 81 57 15.8 7 357 7 82
29 King's College London 67.3 77 73 63 15.7 8 359 6 76
30 Queen's, Belfast 65.7 89 76 63 13.8 5 327 9 64
30 UEA 65.7 90 85 73 13.9 5 339 4 61
32 Kent 64.3 82 75 63 12.8 5 309 6 77
33 Queen Mary 64.2 86 74 61 12 9 312 6 56
34 Swansea 63.1 82 78 54 11 4 295 6 83
35 Edinburgh Napier 61.3       18.3 3 273 10 64
36 Reading 60.9 83 72 51 17.9 8 357 2 85
37 Dundee 60.5 81 86 68 15.1 4 310 7 60
38 Bangor 60.3 88 87 57 15.2 6 243 7  
39 Northampton 59.9 82 77 70 17.8 4 197 10 49
40 Oxford Brookes 59.5 85 79 62 22.3 5 227 10 71
41 Strathclyde 59.4 82 81 51 16.6 4 340 8 63
42 City 59.2 81 72 61 19.5 6 314 7 69
43 Robert Gordon 58.9 86 82 71 19.6 4 248 8 66
44 Aberystwyth 58.4 96 87 57 17.2 7 263 2 78
45 Chester 57.8 80 80 57 14.1 6 236 8 54
46 Cardiff 57.2 80 79 56 11.3 6 347 3 57
46 Central Lancashire 57.2 78 83 68 16.6 6 238 6 57
48 Heriot-Watt 56.9 74 80 52 12.6 7 294 3  
49 Essex 56.6 85 79 58 13.2 6 352 3 47
49 Glyndŵr 56.6 88 85 78 19.1 3 221    
51 Keele 56.4 86 73 65 11.4 6 246 4  
52 Hull 56.2 89 86 73 21.2 4 255 3 71
53 Aberdeen 56 88 80 57 13.6 5 317 4  
54 Royal Holloway 54.6 70 69 69 12.2 4 321 3  
55 Teesside 54.3 82 81 68 16.7 5 277 4 49
56 Plymouth 54.1 63 67 43 17.4 7 271 9 69
57 Aston 52 80 72 66 20.5 4 328 4 68
58 Staffordshire 51.7 80 81 58 21.4 4 243 8 65
59 Middlesex 50.9 74 70 66 19 5 150 9 45
60 Huddersfield 50.5 67 71 65 21.4 4 244 6 71
61 Hertfordshire 50.1 67 70 55 15.7 4 184 10 53
61 UWE Bristol 50.1 64 72 52 19 4 230 9 63
63 Portsmouth 50 80 80 73 18.7 4 239 4 49
64 Northumbria 48.9 77 73 58 21.7 4 245 7 68
65 Leeds Met 48.1 87 82 71 24.2 5 191 8 45
66 Anglia Ruskin 47.6 71 77 67 20.4 6 226 7 35
66 Lincoln 47.6 74 82 64 20 3 287 5 47
68 University of West London 47.4 71 66 62 13.8 4 172    
69 Sheffield Hallam 47.1 75 77 59 24.5 4 251 8 50
70 Ulster 46.6 73 74 65 16.6 5 232 4 53
71 Roehampton 45.4 83 76 69 16.6 2 184 5  
72 Derby 45.3 74 79 59 20.5 3 258 5 54
73 Kingston 45 78 77 66 24.5 4 209 8 45
74 Glasgow Caledonian 44.6       20.3 4 267 6 39
74 UWIC 44.6 92 78 85 25.6 2 203 4  
76 Abertay Dundee 44.4       21.9 3 284 4 61
77 Greenwich 44.1 76 81 73 28 5 179 6 43
78 Glamorgan 43.7 73 76 63 20.3 4 267 3 50
79 Sunderland 43.6 76 67 62 18.6 6 225 4 53
80 Newman University College 43.3 85 82 68 29.3 3 232    
81 Bucks New University 43.2 80 75 73 18.6 4 160 7 33
82 Liverpool John Moores 41.9 69 67 56 19.2 4 214 9 40
82 London South Bank 41.9 77 71 58 17.5 3 144 8 44
84 De Montfort 41.4 78 76 69 19.4 5 236 1 46
85 Westminster 41 69 69 61 17.3 4 208 8 34
86 Brunel 40.1 75 70 62 21.9 5 294 3 47
87 East London 39.9 79 76 62 17.4 4 195 4 38
88 Cumbria 39.5 62 65 62   8 256 2 50
89 Gloucestershire 39.3 67 74 62 24.7 4 219 4 58
90 Bradford 38.1 61 58 52 16.6 4 225 5 49
91 Bolton 37.8 86 84 62 23.3 2 221 2  
92 Brighton 37.4 69 64 46 16 3 264 6 45
93 Coventry 37 61 59 54 17.2 3 252 5 57
94 Worcester 36.6 67 73 66 21.7 3 215 3  
95 Nottingham Trent 36.3 66 60 60 23.7 4 248 4 65
96 Edge Hill 35.7 52 62 53 11.3 3 216 4 54
97 Southampton Solent 35.4 76 71 68 29.3 4 250 3 53
98 London Met 35.3 67 73 57 15.5 4 158 6 27
99 Manchester Met 34.8 72 70 61 22.9 3 234 3 44
100 Bedfordshire 34.3 61 62 56 17.5 3 135 8 45
101 Newport 34.2 73 78 67 30.3 2 231 5 45
102 Birmingham City 33.7 56 65 66 20 4 233 2 52
102 Salford 33.7 63 67 56 22.7 4 218 3 58
104 Canterbury Christ Church 29.4 77 72 56 21.3 3 182 1  
105 Goldsmiths 28.7 68 68 49 13.6 4 229 1 37
106 West of Scotland 28.1       21.3 4 253 1 34
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[卫报计算机科学专业2012年度排行榜] 文章生成时间为:2011-06-11 01:22:51

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