以下南安普顿大学专业将于英国时间12月7日晚上11点59分(北京时间12月8日早上7点59分)停止接受来自中国申请者的申请(China - domiciled applicants)!
Accounting and Finance (MSc)
Accounting and Management (MSc)
Business Analytics and Finance (MSc)
Business Analytics and Management Science (MSc)
Business Strategy and Innovation Management (MSc)
Digital Business (MSc)
Digital Marketing (MSc)
Digital Strategy and Information Systems (MSc)
Finance (MSc)
Human Resource Management (MSc)
International Banking and Financial Studies (MSc)
International Entrepreneurship and Management (MSc)
International Financial Markets (MSc)
International Management (MSc)
Logistics and Supply Chain Analytics (MSc)
Marketing Analytics (MSc)
Marketing Management (MSc)
Project Management (MSc)
Risk and Finance (MSc)
Risk Management (MSc)
Strategic Operations and Supply Chain Management (MSc)
Communication Design (MA)
Design Management (MA)
Fashion Management (MA)
Fashion Marketing and Branding (MA)
Global Advertising and Branding (MA)
Global Media Management (MA)
Luxury Brand Management (MA)
ELT/TESOL Studies (MA)
English Language Teaching TESOL (MA)
Film and Cultural Management (MA)
Film Studies (MA)
International Music Management (MA)
Music (Education) (MMus)