UCL知名的环境规划学院 Bartlett School 倒是还有不少专业可以申请。还在招生的专业有:
MA Immersive Factual Storytelling
MA Art Education, Culture and Practice
MSc Human Evolution and Behaviour
MSc Medical Anthropology
MSc Politics, Violence and Crime
MSc Built Environment: Environmental Design and Engineering
MSc Data Science for Cultural Heritage
MSc Smart Buildings and Digital Engineering
MSc Infrastructure Planning, Appraisal and Development
MSc Sustainable Urbanism
MSc Connected Environments
MA Gender, Society and Representation
MA Race, Ethnicity and Postcolonial Studies
MSc Applied Analytical Chemistry
MSc Materials for Energy and Environment
MSc Materials and Molecular Modelling
MSc Chemical Research
MSc Civil Engineering
MSc Engineering for International Development