学制1年,学费37800英镑/年,10月开学,雅思7(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福100(听力22、阅读22、写作22、口语22),PTE 69(听力62、阅读62、写作62、口语62)
1 心血管和呼吸科学基础 Foundations of Cardiovascular and Respiratory Sciences
2 研究设计 Study Design
3 临床实践的反思与评价 Reflection and Evaluation of Clinical Practice
4 心血管和呼吸保健的质量 Quality in Cardiovascular and Respiratory Healthcare
5 心血管健康:预防与康复 Cardiovascular Health: Prevention and Rehabilitation
6 心血管疾病管理创新:急性与社区 Innovations in the Management of Cardiovascular Disease: Acute and Community
7 肺康复与社区呼吸护理 Pulmonary Rehabilitation and Community Respiratory Care
8 呼吸衰竭与呼吸支持 Respiratory Failure and Respiratory Support
9 患囊性纤维化儿童与成人的护理管理 Managing the Care of Children and Adults with Cystic Fibrosis