1 全球专业发展-咨询 Global Professional Development - Consultancy
2 全球石油工业–前景与展望 Global Petroleum Industry – Perspective and Prospects
3 溢油科学,响应与修复 Oil Spills Science, Response and Remediation
4 石油合同,经济学与地缘政治 Petroleum Contracts, Economics and Geopolitics
5 石油和天然气行业健康与安全 Health and Safety in the Oil and Gas Industry
6 能源行业的项目与质量管理 Project and Quality Management in the Energy Industry
7 国际油气贸易 International Oil and Gas Trading
8 石油行业投资分析与决策 Investment Analysis and Decision Making in the Petroleum Industry
9 石油勘探,生产与运输的可持续性 Sustainability in Petroleum Exploration, Production and Transportation
10 石油和天然气专业学生研究生过渡技能 Post Graduate Transition Skills for Oil and Gas Students
11 基于领域/实验室的学习 Field/Lab Based Learning
12 硕士/咨询项目 Master/Consultancy Project