学制1年,学费23520英镑/年,9月开学,雅思7(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福100(听力22、阅读23、写作24、口语22),PTE 69(听力62、阅读62、写作62、口语62)
1 包容性增长 Inclusive Growth
2 全球化与区域发展 Globalization and Regional Development
3 地方和区域发展经济学 Economics of Local and Regional Development
4 区域发展及政策 Regional Development and Policy
5 地方能力和经济发展政策 Local Capacity and Economic Development Policy
6 欧盟成员国的政治和财政一体化与解体 Political and Fiscal Integration and Disintegration in EU Member States
7 欧洲的劳动力市场和就业的政治经济 Labour Markets and the Political Economy of Employment in Europe
8 城市化经济学 The Economics of Urbanisation
9 环境法规:执行政策 Environmental Regulation: Implementing Policy
10 应用定量方法 Applied Quantitative Methods
11 南方的城市、人民和贫困 Cities, People and Poverty in the South
12 东亚的城市与社会变迁 Cities and Social Change in East Asia
13 区域和城市规划的经济学 The Economics of Regional and Urban Planning