学制1年,学费23520英镑/年,9月开学,雅思7(听力6.5、阅读7、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福100(听力22、阅读25、写作24、口语22),PTE 69(听力62、阅读69、写作62、口语62)
1 文化理论与文化形态 Cultural Theory and Cultural Forms
2 定性社会研究方法 Qualitative Social Research Methods
3 性别、知识和研究实践 Gender, Knowledge and Research Practice
4 性别与媒体表现 Gender and Media Representation
5 放映当下:当代电影与文化批判 Screening the Present: contemporary cinema and cultural critique
6 性,性别和文化 Sexuality, Gender and Culture
7 城市,政治和公民 Cities, Politics and Citizenship
8 城市的转换 Urban Transformations
9 媒体和传播中的受众 The Audience in Media and Communications
10 媒体与传播的理论与概念 Theories and Concepts in Media and Communications
11 身份、跨国主义和媒体 Identity, Transnationalism and the Media
12 社会表征 Social Representations
13 技术、权力和文化 Technology, Power and Culture
14 物质文化与设计 Material Culture and Design
15 城市社会理论 Urban Social Theory
16 人权与后殖民理论 Human Rights and Postcolonial Theory
17 阶级,政治和文化 Class, Politics and Culture
18 当代社会思想 Contemporary Social Thought
19 新生殖社会学 The New Reproductive Sociology
20 自然与技术:超越人类社会学 Nature and Technology: More than Human Sociology