学制1年,学费17700英镑/年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力5.5、阅读5.5、写作5.5、口语5.5),托福90(听力17、阅读18、写作17、口语20),PTE 62(听力51、阅读51、写作51、口语51)
1 研究方法导论:儿童、青少年和教育 An Introduction to Research Methods: Children、Young People and Education
2 课堂教学评估 Assessment Issues in Teaching and Learning in Classrooms
3 行为改变与教育 Behaviour Change and Education
4 当代视角下的学习与教学 Contemporary Perspectives on Learning and Teaching
5 课程理论与政策 Curriculum Theory and Policy
6 数字素养与通信 Digital Literacy and Communication
7 教育、法律与儿童权利 Education、the Law and Children‘s Rights
8 行为转变的基本要素 Fundamental Elements of Behaviour Change
9 变革领导力 Leadership for Change
10 领导理论与实践综述 Leadership Theory and Practice: An Overview
11 反思实践与行动研究 Reflective Practice and Action Research
12 特殊需要教育重审:兼容并包的教育学 Reimagining Special Needs Education: Inclusive Pedagogy
13 学校效能与改进 School Effectiveness and School Improvement
14 特殊需要教育与公平问题 Special Needs Education and Issues of Equity
15 特殊教育的知识基础 The Intellectual Foundations of Special Education