学制1年,学费21250英镑/年,9月开学,雅思7(听力7.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语7.5),托福100(听力24、阅读22、写作23、口语26),PTE 68(听力74、阅读64、写作64、口语74)
1 翻译研究方法与途径 Methods and Approaches in Translation Studies
2 口译技能:交译与同译 Interpreting Skills: Consecutive and Simultaneous
3 机器翻译原理及运用 Principles and Applications of Machine Translation
4 屏幕翻译导论 Introduction to Screen Translation
5 译员的语料库语言学 Corpus Linguistics for Translators
6 翻译人员英语 English for Translators
7 修辞学与公共演讲 Rhetoric and Public Speaking
8 翻译流派 Genres in Translation
9 国际组织:背景、理论与实践 International Organisations: Context、Theory and Practice
10 文学翻译 Literary Translation
11 职业目的写作 Writing for Professional Purposes
12 翻译技术与流程导论 Introduction to Translation Technologies and Workflows
13 论文:翻译研究 Dissertation: Translation Studies
14 拓展翻译 Extended Translations