1 证券、期货与起源 Securities、Futures and Options
2 固定收益和股权投资 Fixed Income and Equity Investments
3 金融市场 Financial Markets
4 金融定量方法概论 Introductory Quantitative Methods for Finance
5 金融心理学概论 Introduction to Psychology for Finance
6 行为经济学 Behavioural Economics
7 人力激发 Human Motivation
8 组织中的个人和团队发展心理学 Psychology of Individual and Team Development in Organisations
9 心理学研究定性方法 Applying Qualitative Methods in Psychological Research
10 行为金融学 Behavioural Finance
11 外汇兑换和货币市场 Foreign Exchange and Money Markets
12 研究项目 Research Project
13 金融史议题 Topics in the History of Finance
14 债券市场定价和交易战略 Bond Market Pricing and Trading Strategies
15 衍生证券:定价、套期保值和交易 Derivatives Securities: Pricing、Hedging and Trading