1、英国皇家艺术学院(royal college of art)
2、伦敦艺术大学(university of the arts london)
3、格拉斯哥艺术学院(the glasgow school of art)
4、卡斯艺术、建筑与设计学院(sir john cass faculty of art,architectureand design)
5、爱丁堡艺术学院(edinburgh college of art)
6、金史密斯学院(goldsmiths college)
7、考陶德艺术学院(the courtauld institute of art)
8、伯明翰城市大学(birmingham city university)
9、伦敦电影学院(london film school)
10、谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学(sheffield hallam university)
royal academy of music, university of london皇家音乐学院- musical theatre ma - £18,850.00
royal college of art皇家艺术学院- fashion womenswear ma - £28,400.00
central saint martins, university of the arts london中央圣马丁艺术与设计学院 - fashion ma - £14,300.00
university of surrey萨里大学- acting ma - £15,800.00
goldsmiths, university of london伦敦大学戈德史密斯学院- musical theatre ma - £15,000.00
university of nottingham诺丁汉大学- music ma - £17,500.00
university of leeds利兹大学- performance mmus - £15,000
royal holloway, university of london伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院- music mphil - £12,785.00
university of liverpool利物浦大学- music industry studies ma - £12,200.00
royal college of art皇家艺术学院 - interior design ma - £28,400.00
birmingham city university伯明翰城市大学- interior design ma - £11,500.00
nottingham trent university诺丁汉特伦特大学- interior architecture and design ma - £12,000.00
glasgow school of art格拉斯哥艺术学院 - fashion and textiles mdes - £13,140.00
university of southampton南安普顿大学- design (fashion management) ma - £15,160
university of central lancashire中央兰开夏大学- fashion design ma - £9,450.00
kingston university伦敦金斯顿大学- fashion ma - £13,700.00