BA (Hons) Fashion and Textile Design (3 years full-time) 服装与纺织品设计
BA (Hons) Fashion Marketing/Management (3 years full-time) 时尚营销
BA (Hons) Fine Art (3 years full-time)纯艺术
BA (Hons) Graphic Arts (3 years full-time)平面设计
BA (Hons)Games Design and Art (3 years full-time) 游戏设计与艺术
MA Contemporary Curation 当代策展
MA Fine Art 纯艺术
MA Contemporary Curation 平面设计
MA Cultural Politics 文化政治学
MA Design (1 year):
Communication Design平面设计
Fashion Design 时装设计
Textile Design 纺织品设计
Games Design & Art 游戏设计与艺术
Advertising Design Management 广告设计管理
Design Management设计管理
Fashion Management 时装设计
MA Global Advertisingand Branding 全球广告与品牌
Fashion Marketing and Branding时尚营销与品牌
Global Media Management 全球传媒管理
Luxury Brand Management奢侈品品牌管理