南安大家都知道吧,University of Southampton,十大研究型学府之一,QS世界百大大学之一,南安普敦大学的理、工科实力雄厚,在计算机科学和电子方面表现优异,在2016年卫报排名中,分别名列第7和第1。
About Prepare for Presessional
Finding your way around the learning environment
Using the discussion forum
Week 1 (11 July – 17 July)
What is academic style?
Extended writing
Structure of a paragraph
Writing topic and supporting sentences
Managing the reading on your course
Looking for signposts in text
The paragraph and its elements
Talking about grammar reference terms
The sentence
Simple and complex sentences
Forms of instruction and learning at university
The challenges and benefits of independent learning
Grammar and Vocabulary Review 1
Assignment 1
Week 2 (18 July – 24 July)
Fact and opinion in writing
Ways of supporting an opinion
Signposting in your writing
Comparing and contrasting ideas in writing
Cause and effect in writing
Making claims with care
Writing an essay introduction
Reading skills
Skimming practice
Predicting when reading
Speed reading
Present tense review
Using the present perfect and past simple
Countable and uncountable nouns
Articles and nouns
Adjectives and adverbs
Formal and informal vocabulary
Hedging language
Language for comparing and contrasting
Building your academic vocabulary
Managing your study time
Developing your vocabulary
Using tutor feedback to improve
Organising your independent study time
Grammar and Vocabulary Review 2
Assignment 2
Week 3 (25 July – 31 July)
Representing data in academic written work
Describing graphs and tables
Creating a text that holds together
What is plagiarism?
Choosing your words carefully
Writing a conclusion
Understanding an essay title
Thinking critically about what you read
Understanding references in text
Scanning for specific information
Reading an introduction
Ensuring your notes are useful
Adding the cohesion in a text
Past tense review
Basic punctuation
Continuous forms
Word building
Note-taking when reading
Dictionary use and learning
Grammar and Vocabulary Review 3
Assignment 3
Week 4 (1 August – 7 August)
Structuring your writing
Supporting with sources
How to paraphrase
Plagiarism revisited
The reference list for an essay
Searching for good reading material
Writing summaries from reading materials
Identifying source references in texts
Expressing purpose
Gerunds and infinitives
Future forms
Modal verbs
Confusable words
Planning to write an essay
Identifying study priorities
Working with others
Ways of learning
Grammar and Vocabulary Review 4
Assignment 4
Week 5 (8 August – 14 August)
Revising what you have written
Presenting your written work
The assessment of your coursework
Completing and submitting written assignments
Developing your ability to evaluate
Different kinds of academic assignment
Passive and active forms
Conditional forms
The past perfect
Common mistakes
A day on a university course in the UK
Developing new skills on your course
Avoiding stress during your studies
Contact with university staff
Grammar and Vocabulary Review 5
Assignment 5