利兹大学 leeds


  利兹大学,University of Leeds, 是一所拥有光辉的百年历史的英国顶尖大学之一,世界百强名校,在此诞生了6位诺贝尔奖得主,英国“常青藤”——罗素大学集团成员,六所英国“红砖大学”之一。利兹大学位于英国第二大金融城市利兹市市中心,其前身是建立于1831年的利兹医学院和建立于1874年的约克郡科学院。1887年,以上两个学校与曼彻斯特欧文学院、利物浦大学学院合并为维多利亚联合大学。1904年利兹大学获得皇家许可而成为独立的大学。利兹大学也是2012伦敦奥运会系中国奥运代表团主训练基地。

  学校格言 Latin: Esse quam videri. 英语翻译:To be, rather than to seen. 中文:外观莫如实质。







  Leeds University,founded in 1904,is successful in a way that reflects both its own virtues and the determined reinvention which the city of Leeds has undergone in recent years,and from which the institution benefits.

  You can take a virtual tour of Leeds,which is a mecca for nightlife. What with the nightlife,Harvey Nichols and Harry Ramsden‘s,students at Leeds apparently have the biggest overdrafts in the country. Leeds is buzzing: this is an exciting place to live.

  Leeds University has a very active students’ union. One union PR said: “You don‘t come to a place like [this] if you’re an introvert”.

  The university has embraced modular courses,enabling students to study for mixed degrees. This allows them to exploit the huge language school which facilitates the flow of students both ways,with over 100 partners across the globe.

  In August 2001,the university merged with the specialist arts institute,Bretton Hall College,situated just outside Wakefield. Now the university‘s Bretton Hall campus it specialises in music,acting,dance,theatre and creative writing,and is expected to become a major force in performance and cultural studies.

  Alumni of bold,brash Leeds include Richard Hoggart,author of The Uses of Literacy,Nobel laureate Wole Soyinka,cartoonist Steve Bell,and Paul Dacre,editor of the Mail.

  Leeds is among the top ten universities for research in the UK and is internationally acknowledged as a centre of excellence in a wide range of academic and professional disciplines.

  We have an ambitious vision to join the top 50 universities in the world by 2015 through our distinctive ability to integrate world-class research,scholarship and education.

  Integrating research and learning and teaching is at the heart of our strategy. Our courses are taught by staff who are engaged in world-class research and cutting-edge professional practice.

  We invest our own resources in helping organisations turn university research into world-class products and services. From the invention of the Ultracane which helps blind and visually impaired people,to a spin-out company which provides expert services and new technologies for the biopharmaceutical,defence and healthcare sectors,we are at the forefront of innovation.

  Our size and international reputation enables us to offer one of the widest ranges of academic courses in the UK. During the current academic year there are over 30,500 students attached to 700 undergraduate and 474 postgraduate degree programmes. A further 31,382 men and women are enrolled on short courses with the University.

  Our graduates are highly sought after by employers and go on to succeed in all walks of life and are leaders in their field.

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[利兹大学 leeds] 文章生成时间为:2014-04-23 16:57:35
利兹大学(University of Leeds)
  • 院校名称:利兹大学
  • 学校类型:公立大学
  • 建校时间:1904年
  • 世界排名:93 世界排名:13
  • 学生人数:20000人
  • 院校地址:Leeds LS2 9JT
  • 中文介绍:http://school.liuxue360.com/uk/leeds/
  • 利兹大学(University of Leeds)地处利兹市,是英国最具盛名、规模最大、最好的10所研究性大学之一。学校始终都致力于研究科学与产业之间的关系,并将研究成果致力于利...…[详细介绍]

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