

  留学英国大学是很多中国学生的梦想,英国大学的教育不仅先进性非常著名,其时间短、效率高、课程丰富等也让英国大学占尽优势,然而还有一点,也让英国大学成为很多人的向往之地,那就是这里大学校园的美丽。英国大学大都风景秀丽、校园温馨平和,非常适合学习。英国著名媒体每日电讯报(The Telegraph)近日对英国最美大学做了最新盘点,以下是为大家整理的详情,来看看你心仪的大学又没有上榜吧!

  贝尔法斯特女王大学(Queen`s University Belfast)

  1845年创立的贝尔法斯特女王大学(Queen`s University Belfast)有超过300座建筑处于绿色以及贝尔法斯特南边的郊区之中。图为大学校园中心的都铎王朝哥特式的建筑。

  原文:Founded by Queen Victoria in 1845, Queen`s University Belfast has over 300 buildings in the green and leafy suburbs of south Belfast. This is the Lanyon building, an imposing Tudor Gothic-style building at the heart of the campus.

  卡迪夫大学(Cardiff University)


  原文:Located in the busy city centre, many of Cardiff`s university buildings are undeniably striking – not least the Main Building, shown here.

  布里斯托大学(University of Bristol

  布里斯托大学的一些建筑非常古老,要追溯到大学以布里斯托大学学院时期,而大学音乐系的建筑维多利亚房间(Victoria Rooms)就是这样一座古老的建筑。据说查尔斯-狄更斯曾在这所古典的维多利亚时期的房间中阅读过。

  原文:Not all of Bristol`s buildings, some of which date back to the institution`s previous incarnation as University College Bristol, are much to look at, but the Faculty of Music`s stunning Victoria Rooms merit a place on this list alone. Charles Dickens reportedly once gave a selection of readings in this early Victorian classical building.

  斯特林大学(University of Stirling)


  原文:The Wallace Monument and the Cottrell building are just two features of Stirling University to benefit from the stunning surroundings. The locale boasts a castle, lakes, meadow and woods – and indeed its own nine-hole golf course.

  格拉斯哥大学(University of Glasgow)

  格拉斯哥大学被誉为苏格兰最古老的大学之一,大学的Gilbert Scott建筑是英国第二大哥特复兴式建筑。

  原文:One of Scotland`s vaunted “Ancient” universities, Glasgow University boasts many fine buildings such as the Gilbert Scott building – the second-largest example of Gothic revival architecture in Britain after the Palace of Westminster.


  基尔大学(Keele University)


  原文:Located in a picturesque 620-acre rural campus in Staffordshire, Keele University benefits not just from the scenery but also from Keele Hall, a 19th-century stately home on the outskirts of Newcastle-under-Lyme which once housed the Sneyd family. It now serves as the university conference centre.

  苏塞克斯大学(University of Sussex)

  巴兹尔-斯宾塞先生的现代主义建筑研究法在苏塞克斯大学(University of Sussex)的可能不是每个人的品味,但即使是传统主义者肯定会就此罢休,周围的观点的南唐斯国家公园。

  原文:Sir Basil Spence`s modernist Falmer Building in the University of Sussex may not be to everyone`s taste, but even traditionalists would surely be placated by the surrounding views of the South Downs National Park.

  伯明翰大学(University of Birmingham)


  原文:Despite its location in the centre of UK`s sprawling and industrial second city, Birmingham University`s red brick constructions – such as the Aston Webb building shown here – are among the country`s most elegant.

  埃克塞特大学(University Of Exeter)

  埃克塞特大学有许多被隐藏起来的建筑,但是这些被隐藏起来的建筑有的就想是隐藏在绿色中的宝石,譬如如图所示的里德大厅(Reed Hall)。

  原文:Exeter University has many buildings it would rather hide – not least its ghastly physics department – but within the green Streatham Campus lies the hidden gem of Reed Hall, shown here. Originally Streatham Hall, it was renamed upon donation to the university in honour of benefactor Alderman W H Reed, and boasted an 11-acre estate with a stunning arboretum or rare and beautiful trees.

  爱丁堡大学(University of Edinburgh)

  爱丁堡大学的神学系新学院(New College)是一座哥特式的建筑,与其名字不太符,它的历史可以追溯到1843年。据说大学本身建于1583年。新学院的邻居Assembly Hall是爱丁堡艺术节的场地。

  原文:Edinburgh University`s gothic New College – home to the Faculty of Divinity – appears to belie its name, dating back to 1843. That said, the university itself was founded back in 1583. New College`s adjacent Assembly Hall also serves as an Edinburgh Festival venue.

  华威大学(University of Warwick)


  原文:Again the modernist design may not suit everyone, but Warwick University campus`s newest constructions such as the Zeeman Building here – named in honour of a Japanese-born mathematician who helped to pioneer “knot theory” – thrive in their expansive green campus setting.

  圣安德鲁斯大学(University of St Andrews)


  原文:With its stunning ancient buildings and dramatic mist-shrouded coastline, St Andrews University was a perhaps unsurprising setting for everyone`s favourite Royal romance.


  皇家霍洛威学院(Royal Holloway, U.of London)


  原文:Part of the University of London – indeed, probably the only capital-based university that can merit a spot on this list – Royal Holloway in Surrey is dominated by an elaborate red-brick building modelled on the Chateau de Chambord in France. The building was originally home to a women-only college, and sits within 136 acres of woodland.

  杜伦大学(University of Durham)


  原文:Durham University`s colleges vary from the ultra-modern to the medieval, such as University College`s Durham Castle location shown here.

  诺丁汉特伦特大学(Nottingham Trent University)


  原文:Nottingham city may have spent recent years attempting to shake off its unwanted “Gun Capital” moniker, but there`s never been any doubting the beauty of its university buildings, including the Trent Building – a grade II-listed limestone structure opened by King George V in 1928.

  牛津大学(University of Oxford)

  牛津大学著名的“梦想之颠”和和金色石头世代激励着这里的学生。建筑的亮点包括:18世纪的拉德克里夫图书馆(图左), 博德利图书馆和莫德林学院。

  原文:Oxford`s dreaming spires and golden stone have inspired students for generations. Architectural highlights include the 18th-century Radcliffe Camera (pictured left), the Bodleian library and Magdalen College.

  剑桥大学(University of Cambridge)


  原文:You couldn`t include Oxford without mentioning Cambridge. Visitors often particularly admire King`s College Chapel and the picturesque river area known as the “backs”, pictured (its name comes from the fact many colleges back onto the river).


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[英国留学:盘点英国最美大学榜单] 文章生成时间为:2012-11-17 18:47:16

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