1. 南安普顿大学 英国排名:20
MSc Gerontology
Methods for Researching Ageing Societies
Perspectives in Gerontology
Quantitative Research Methods
Poverty and Social Protection Around the World
Philosophy of Social Science Research
Research Design and Practice
Quantitative Methods 1
Ageing, Diversity and Human Rights
Ageing, Health and Well-Being
Demographic Change, Ageing and Globalisation
Qualitative Methods 1
Qualitative Methods 2
2. 伦敦大学国王学院 英国排名:27
MSc Gerontology
Ageing, Health and Society
Designing Quantitative Research for Social Science & Health
Quantitative Data Analysis.
Ageing in a Global Context
Data Manipulation and Management
Researching Vulnerable Populations
Biology of Ageing (level six, through the Department of Physiology)
3. 斯特灵大学 英国排名:51
Dementia Studies and Gerontology Msc
Dementia Studies
Understanding Dementia: Different Theoretical Perspectives
Working with People with Dementia
Biology of Ageing
Social Gerontology
Researching Dementia
Qualitative Research Methods and
Research in Gerontology
Education and Support for Paid and Unpaid Carers of People with Dementia
Living with Dementia: Care Pathways
Evaluation and Assessment in Dementia Care
Economics of Ageing
Women and Ageing
Elder Abuse
Nutrition and Ageing
Lifestyles Issues and Resource Management in Ageing
Minority Ageing
Communication in Gerontology
Topics in Gerontology
Theories of Ageing