


  LJMU’s scholarships reward excellence and are open to all full time Home and EU undergraduates. Your area of success does not need to be related to your course – in fact it is even more impressive if it something completely different.  Scholarships are not means-tested, they are to reward your achievements to date and hopefully enable you to continue to develop your talents.

  Please note: The application deadline for 2011/2012 scholarships was 3 June 2011.

  LJMU Scholarship - General Eligibility

  All students must must meet the following criteria to be eligible to apply for a scholarship:

  Full time Home or EU students only

  Commecing th first year of a first undergraduate course

  Liable to pay tuition fees of £3,375 in the 2011 academic year, either yourself personally, your parents or by tuition fee loan or other sponsor.

  Priority will be given to students who have accepted LJMU as their first choice (firm) via UCAS.

  Please note that students from the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man students, NHS-funded students, PGCE students and students attending the course at one of our partner colleges are not eligible for scholarships.

  Achiever’s Award

  £1,000 per year for the duration of your course

  General eligibility criteria plus:

  You must be able to show an area of commitment, achievement and excellence above your peers in an area such as volunteering, sports, the arts, citizenship*.

  The awards are intended to remove any financial barriers to studying for students that show potential and/or determination.

  Priority will be given to students that have accepted LJMU as their first choice (firm) via UCAS.

  *Please note these examples are not intended to be prescriptive and are for information only.

  Dream Plan Achiever’s (DPA) - rewarding academic excellence

  £1,000 per year for the duration of your course

  General eligibility criteria plus:

  You must achieve a minimum of three grade A’s at A2 level or equivalent (360 UCAS points from 3 units).

  You must have LJMU as your first choice (firm) via UCAS.

  VC’s Award - a highly prestigious award for outstanding students

  £10,000 per year for the duration of your course

  General eligibility criteria plus:

  This is a highly prestigious award which will only be given to academically gifted students who will act as ambassadors for LJMU.

  You must have LJMU as your first choice (firm) via UCAS.

  You must meet the same academic excellence as for the Dream Plan Achiever’s award. This means that you must achieve a minimum of three grade As at A2 or equivalent. This level of academic excellence will need to be sustained throughout your course.

  You must also be able to demonstrate a level of commitment, excellence and achievement above that of your peers. This may be through citizenship, sport, performing arts, etc.

  Please note that these examples are not intended to be prescriptive and are only examples for information purposes.

  LJMU Sports scholarships

  LJMU’s innovative Sports Scholarship scheme will provide sports scholarship students the opportunity to flourish in their sporting and academic ambitions. LJMU Sports Scholars will have the opportunity to have a direct impact on their own personal performance through access to the UK’s leading Institution in Sports Exercise Science and Research.

  For further information see http://www.ljmu.ac.uk/sportscholarships/

  Subject-specific scholarships

  We have a range of other scholarships for particular subject areas. For more information contact the Student Advice and Wellbeing team on 0151 904 6054/6056.



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[英国留学:利物浦约翰摩尔大学奖学金设置] 文章生成时间为:2012-11-03 19:45:09
利物浦约翰摩尔斯大学(Liverpool John Moores University)
  • 院校名称:利物浦约翰摩尔斯大学
  • 学校类型:公立大学
  • 建校时间:1823年
  • 世界排名:78
  • 学生人数:24000人
  • 院校地址:70 Mount Pleasant, Liverpool L3 5UA
  • 中文介绍:http://school.liuxue360.com/uk/ljmu/
  • 利物浦约翰摩尔大学(Liverpool John Moores University)坐落于英格兰北部的利物浦,其历史可以追溯到1823年。该校是一所现代化的大学,共有四个校区,学校以“梦想、...…[详细介绍]

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