生物科学学院(School of Biosciences)
BSc Agricultural and Livestock Science
BSc Agricultural and Environmental Science
BSc Agricultural and Crop Science
计算机科学学院(School of Computer Science)
MSci Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence
工程学院(Faculty of Engineering)
MEng Environmental Engineering including an Industrial Year
BEng Environmental Engineering including an Industrial Year
MEng Chemical Engineering including an Industrial Year
BEng Chemical Engineering including an Industrial Year
MEng Chemical Engineering with Environmental including an Industrial Year
BEng Chemical Engineering with Environmental including an Industrial Year
现代中国研究学院(School of Contemporary Chinese Studies)
BSc Business and Economy of Contemporary China
医学和健康科学学院(Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences)
BMBS Medicine with foundation year
诺丁汉大学(http://www.001uk.net/nottingham)教育学院(School of Education)将推出两个预科课程:
教育学院推出的两个预科课程为商科方向和艺术与社会科学方向,顺利完成该预科课程后将获得商科预科证书(Foundation Certificate in Business Foundation)或艺术与社会科学预科证书(Certificate in Arts and Social Sciences)。