rl(reference letter推荐信),很重要,但是一定要是真实的反映别人对你的评价,中国的rl就不说了,一看不可能是一个教授给你写的。。。简直快要把自己写成阳光下最完美的个体。其实这样的rl更有意义,这个学生上过我的课,由于他对这个东西感兴趣,他就和我做了research,虽然他课堂表现不是很好,但是在research中。。而且当时几个教授都明确表示推荐人是谁是不是教授都无所谓,关键能够看到一些真正的别人对你的诚实评价。你甚至可以请熟悉你的研究生写,我想大家在rl上是不是可以换个思路,不要再写一些根本没有用的东西了。
PS(personal statement个人陈述)比较重要,写出自己兴趣的来源,写自己的research经验。那种写自己从小如何如何,写自己这一辈子要干吗干吗,写自己成绩如何如何都是没有意义的,如果research经验不多,写自己对专业课的理解这是非常重要的,这就是你为什么选择这个专业的原因。。。
That's a sample of a Canadian/North American personal statement. It's completely different from your friend's!I am sure both of you will notice that the a roach the e ay takes and the points that are discu ed are different from your friend's statement.
what is a good ?
Clearly, you are trying to persuade profe ors that you are a good candidate and developing the whole idea in a logical method. I think maybe the problem of of Chinese students is that the author seems to show off that he is a good candidate. Obviously, that's not the effect he want. you should emphasize your senior level cla es and important research projects.