September 2011 or January 2012 entry(UK/EU/Non-EU)
Fees vary from course to course, and reflect the nature of the resources required to deliver them. For details on the specific tuition fee for your chosen course of study please refer to the individual profiles on Course Search. You can also check directly with our askBU Enquiry Service.
Alumni discount
Students with a first degree from BU can now claim a discount of 15% on our postgraduate course fees.
Simply include your existing BU degree details in your postgraduate study application and the discount will be applied as soon as your entitlement has been confirmed.
There is no limit on how long ago you studied your first degree at BU.
Early payment discount
If you pay your tuition fee before or within 7 days of enrolment, you will also be able to claim a 5% early payment discount. Please note that if you are being sponsored in part or whole, for example by your employer, you will not be eligible for the 5% discount. Terms & conditions apply to this discount.
To secure your place on a taught postgraduate course you will need to pay a non refundable deposit*.
UK/EU student: £1,000
Non EU Student: £2,000**
* This deposit will be non-refundable except for the following circumstances:
An applicant fails to meet their academic or English conditions of offer
An applicant is refused a visa to enter the UK provided that the reason for refusal is not due to a fraudulent application.
** Please note: Some non EU countries may be required to pay a higher deposit and this will be stated on the Bournemouth University offer letter.
The deposit must be paid by the date stated in the offer letter with the balance of the fee due to be paid on registration/enrolment.
Paying by instalment
Whether you're looking to study a full-time or part-time course with us, it is possible to pay in three instalments online with a debit/credit card. The first payment (a third of the course fee) will be taken when you register and pay online and the second instalment (a further third) will be three months after the first payment. The final payment (the remaining third) will be taken six months after the first payment.
Our online registration and payment system will clearly show the payment options available to you.
Tuition fees for UK and EU students
As a general guide, for the 2011/12 academic year, students from the UK and within the EU can expect to pay within the following fee ranges:
Taught Masters: £4,250 - £12,000
MBA: £15,000
Postgraduate Research Degrees: £4,200 - £4,500 per academic year.
Tuition fees for Island Students (Jersey, Guernsey and Isle of Man)
Students from the Channel Islands should contact askBU Enquiry Service on 08456 501 501 (UK callers only) / +44 (0) 1202 961916.
Tuition fees for International (Non-EU) students
As a general guide, for the 2011/12 academic year, international (Non-EU) students can expect to pay within the following fee ranges:
Taught Masters: £9,500 - £13,000
MBA: £15,000
Postgraduate Research Degrees: £10,500 - £12,500 per academic year