学制1年,学费22850英镑年,9月开学,雅思7(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作7、口语6.5),托福100(听力23、阅读23、写作25、口语23 )
1 法律与启蒙 Law and the Enlightenment
2 公法剖析 The Anatomy of Public Law
3 先例推理 Reasoning with Precedent
4 自然法:历史导论 Natural Law: An Historical Introduction
5 法律决策 Legal Decision-Making
6 国际税法原则 Principles of International Tax Law
7 国际私法:判决的管辖与执行 International Private Law: Jurisdiction and Enforcement of Judgments
8 侵权 Delict and Tort
9 比较法与国际信托法 Comparative and International Trust law
10 比较视角下的家庭法 Family Law in Comparative Perspectives
11 比较私法基础 Fundamentals of Comparative Private Law
12 医学法基本议题 Fundamental Issues in Medical Jurisprudence
13 医学法当代议题 Contemporary Issues in Medical Jurisprudence
14 医疗过失 Medical Negligence
15 风险与监管:理论与实践 Risk and Regulation: Theories and Practices