学制2年,学费20600英镑/年,9月开学,雅思7(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福95(听力22、阅读25、写作24、口语24),PTE 68(听力65、阅读65、写作65、口语65)
1 价值观,伦理和多样性 Values, Ethics and Diversity
2 沟通和人际交往技巧 Communication and Interpersonal Skills
3 法律,权利和公正 Law, Rights and Justice
4 实习1 Practice Placement 1
5 社会工作理论,干预和技巧 Social Work Theories, Interventions and Skills
6 个体,家庭和社会 The Individual, the Family and Society
7 实践准备 Readiness for Direct Practice
8 实践任务1 Practice Assignments 1
9 实践任务2 Practice Assignments 2
10 实习2 Practice Placement 2
11 社会工作—成人和心理健康问题 Social Work-Adults & Mental Health Issues
12 调研方法和论文 Research Methods and Dissertation
13 与儿童和家庭相关的社会工作 Social Work with Children and Families
14 批判性和反思性实践 Critical and Reflective Practice