学制1年,学费18500英镑/年,雅思6(听力5.5、阅读5.5、写作5.5、口语5.5),托福80(听力17、阅读18、写作17、口语20),PTE 59(听力59、阅读59、写作59、口语59)
1 人类学与发展的当代实践 Current Practices in Anthropology and Development
2 人类学与发展的历史任务 Historical Engagements of Anthropology and Development
3 理解社会变革的过程 Understanding Processes of Social Change
4 人类学研究方法 Anthropological Research Methods
5 论文(人类学) Dissertation (Anthropology)
6 积极促进发展和社会公正 Activism for Development and Social Justice
7 心理、疯狂与心理健康的人类学视角 Anthropological Perspectives on Mind, Madness and Mental Health
8 环境与发展的关键性辩论 Critical Debates in Environment and Development
9 公平贸易、伦理商业与新道德经济 Fair Trade, Ethical Business & New Moral Economies
10 知识、力量与阻力 Knowledge, Power and Resistance
11 贫穷、脆弱性和全球经济 Poverty, Vulnerability and the Global Economy
12 学位论文(全球研究) Dissertation with Placement (Global Studies)