学制1年,学费24980英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力6、阅读6、写作6、口语6),托福92(听力20、阅读24、写作24、口语20),PTE 62(听力59、阅读59、写作59、口语59)
1 环境变迁的政治生态 The Political Ecology of Environmental Change
2 环境与可持续发展实践 Environment and Sustainable Development in Practice
3 发展中的城市环境规划与管理 Urban Environmental Planning and Management in Development
4 南半球发展中国家的气候变化适应性城市建设 Adapting Cities to Climate Change in the Global South
5 城市灾害预防管控 Disaster Risk Reduction in Cities
6 非政府组织和社会转型 NGOs and Social Transformation
7 粮食与城市 Food and the City
8 城市与城郊农业:南半球发展中国家的知识体系 Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture: Knowledge Systems in the Global South
9 可持续发展中的基础设施和服务 Sustainable Infrastructure and Services in Development
10 城市用水、卫生、规划与政策 Urban Water and Sanitation、Planning and Policy
11 实践中的社会敏感反映 Socially Sensitive Development in Practice
12 社会发展与扶贫:理论到实践 Social Development and Poverty Reduction: From Theory to Practice
13 城市经济管理 Managing the City Economy
14 城市及其周边关系 The City and Its Relations
15 城市发展政策、规划与管理 Urban Development Policy、Planning and Management