

  ① 课程提供2020年9月和2021年1月两种开学方案,学生可自行选择,课程时长均为12个月。学生在收到学校邮件后,需在6月30日前回复确认选择的开学时间

  ② 课程将按计划于2020年9月开学

  ③ 课程将延迟到2021年1月开学,课程时长仍为12个月,学生在收到学校邮件后,需要在6月30日前确认回复是否接受新的开学日期

  ④ 课程将在2020/2021学年暂时关闭。对于这部分课程影响到的学生,学校会推荐其他课程给学生,学生不需要再次提交申请。同时,学生也可以选择延迟至2021年入学或取消申请




  · MA ELT(Online)PT

  · MSc Accounting and Finance

  · MSc Accounting and Management

  · MSc Biomedical Engineering

  · MSc Business Analytics and Finance

  · MSc Business Analytics and Management Sciences

  · MSc Civil Engineering

  · MSc Computational Engineering Design(Advanced Mechanical Engineering Science)

  · MSc Engineering Materials(Advanced Mechanical Engineering Science)

  · MSc Finance

  · MSc Finance and Economics

  · MSc International Management

  · MSc Maritime Engineering Science

  · MSc Maritime Engineering Science / Advanced Computational Engineering

  · MSc Maritime Engineering Science / Marine Engineering and Autonomy

  · MSc Maritime Engineering Science / Ocean Energy and Offshore Engineering

  · MSc Maritime Engineering Science / Yacht and High Performance Craft

  · MSc Maritime Engineering Science / Naval Architecture

  · MSc Marketing Management

  · MSc Mechatronics(Advanced Mechanical Engineering Science)

  · MSc Propulsion and Engine Systems Engineering(Advanced Mechanical Engineering Science)

  · MSc Risk and Finance

  · MSc Risk Management

  · MSc Supply Chain Management and Logistics

  · MSc Transportation Planning and Engineering(Behaviour)

  · MSc Transportation Planning and Engineering(Behaviour)PT

  · MSc Transportation Planning and Engineering(Infrastructure)

  · MSc Transportation Planning and Engineering(Infrastructure)PT

  · MSc Transportation Planning and Engineering(Operations)

  · MSc Transportation Planning and Engineering(Operations)PT


  · MSc Amputation and Prosthetic Rehabilitation

  · MSc Business and Heritage Management

  · MSc Business Strategy and Innovation Management

  · MA Communication Design

  · MA Contemporary Curation

  · MA Design Management

  · MSc Digital Marketing

  · MSc Education

  · MSc Education(Part Time)

  · MSc Education Management and Leadership

  · MSc Education Management and Leadership(Part Time)

  · MSc Educational Practice and Innovation

  · MSc Educational Practice and Innovation(Part Time)

  · MA English Language Teaching(ELT/TESOL)Studies

  · MA English Language Teaching

  · MA English Literary Studies

  · MA English Literary Studies(Eighteenth Century)

  · MA English Literary Studies(Nineteenth Century)

  · MA English Literary Studies(Twentieth Century and Contemporary)

  · MA English Literary Studies(Postcolonial and World Literatures)

  · MSc Entreprenuership and Management

  · MA Fashion Design

  · MA Fashion Management

  · MA Fashion Marketing and Branding

  · MA Film and Cultural Management

  · MA Film and Cultural Management(Part Time)

  · MA Film Studies

  · MA Film Studies(Part Time)

  · MA Fine Art

  · MA Global Advertising and Branding

  · MA Global Literary Industries Management

  · MA Global Media Management

  · MSc Human Resource Management

  · MA International Music Management

  · MSc Leadership and Management

  · PGCert Leadership and Management

  · PGDip Leadership and Management

  · MA Luxury Brand Management

  · MSc Marketing Analytics

  · Master of Public Administration

  · Masters with Integrated Preparatory Study - Business Pathway

  · Masters with Integrated Preparatory Study - WSA Pathway

  · Masters with Integrated Preparatory Study - Humanities Pathway

  · Masters with Integrated Preparatory Study - Music Pathway

  · Masters with Integrated Preparatory Study - Law Pathway

  · Masters with Integrated Preparatory Study - Economics Pathway

  · Masters with Integrated Preparatory Study - Sociology / International Social Policy / Criminology Pathway

  · Masters with Integrated Preparatory Study - Business Pathway(January)

  · Masters with Integrated Preparatory Study - Humanities Pathway(January)

  · Masters with Integrated Preparatory Study - Law Pathway(January)

  · Masters with Integrated Preparatory Study - Engineering Pathway(January)

  · MSc Project Management

  · MSc Sociology and Social Policy

  · MA Textile Design

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[南安普顿大学最新公布大学开学计划!] 文章生成时间为:2020-06-23 19:17:07
南安普顿大学(University of Southampton)
  • 院校名称:南安普顿大学
  • 学校类型:公立大学
  • 建校时间:1862年
  • 世界排名:97 世界排名:20
  • 学生人数:18000人
  • 院校地址:University of Southampton University Road Southampton SO17 1BJ
  • 中文介绍:http://school.liuxue360.com/uk/soton/
  • 南安普顿大学(University of Southampton),世界百强名校,英国顶尖学府,英国常春藤名校联盟“罗素大学集团”成员,红砖大学,世界大学联盟成员。创办于1862年,在190...…[详细介绍]

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