英国布里斯托大学数字传媒专业入学要求IELTS score of 6.5 overall with a minimum of 6 in each band is required
First Semester四门必修课(第1学期)
Animation Production
Character and Set Design
Image Processing and Computer Vision
Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing
Second Semester五门必修课(第二学期)
Research Skills
Computer Graphics
Production Project
Computational Neuroscience
Robotic Systems
You must complete a project which consists of researching, planning and implementing a major piece of work. The project must contain a significant scientific or technical component and will usually involve a software development component. This is usually submitted by the end of September.
立思辰留学介绍,布里斯托大学国内认可,同时学历也是受到中国教育部认可的,该大学是在中国教育部认可名单之列的,所以这所大学所颁发的学士学位和硕士学位等证书都是受到中国教育部的认可的,布里斯托大学被REF 2014 英国大学官方排名评为全英最好的五所顶尖研究型大学,83%的研究成果达到世界领先水平,与牛津大学并列。