You'll choose ten option modules from one of the following routes - five or six in the Autumn Term and four o
r five in the Spring Term.
All option modules are worth 10 credits.
Pure Mathematics route
Autumn Term:
Algebraic Geometry
Metric Number Theory
Semigroup Theory
Partial Differential Equations I
Hilbert Spaces
Lie Algebras and Lie Groups
Spring Term:
Algebraic Groups
Analytic Number Theory
Quantum Information
Functional Analysis
Representation Theory of the Symmetric Group
Riemannian Geometry
Mathematical Physics route
Autumn Term:
Complex and Asymptotic Methods
General Relativity
Partial Differential Equations I
Hilbert Spaces
Lie Algebras and Lie Groups
Soft Matter in Physics and Biology
Quantum Field Theory
Spring Term:
Quantum Information
Functional Analysis
Representation Theory of the Symmetric Group
Riemannian Geometry
Partial Differential Equations II
Advanced General Relativity
Advanced Quantum Field Theory
Mathematical Biology route
Autumn Term:
Complex and Asymptotic Methods
Modelling with MATLAB
Partial Differential Equations I
Dynamical Systems
Introductory Fluid Dynamics
Soft Matter in Physics and Biology
Spring Term:
Mathematical Ecology and Epidemiology
Applications of Group Theory in Virology
Partial Differential Equations II
Classical and Biological Fluid Dynamics
You may replac up to 30 credits with modules from the other route, as long as there are no timetable clashes.
You may also replac up to 30 credits with final-year undergraduate Mathematics modules, subject to the Depart
ment's approval, provided the total credit number of third-stage (H-level) modules does not exceed 30.
IELTS: 总分6.0,单项5.5
TOEFL: 总分79, 听力17,阅读18,口语20,写作17