利兹大学商学院,作为利兹大学的王牌学院,通过AACSB, EQUIS, AMBA三大认证的世界顶级商学院,也是英国最受雇主欢迎的五所商学院之一。利兹的Accounting and Finance专业更是冠绝英国。Business Studies专业位列英国第10,Marketing专业位列英国第3。如此看来,确实有牛气的资本。接下来立思辰留学云的小编给大家介绍一下利兹商学院的新资讯!
1. 2019年秋季入学商学院所有硕士课程已截止申请:
2. 拿到有条件offer换取无条件的最晚时间为2019年7月31日(英国时间23点59分)。
3. 针对2019年入学,商学院下发CAS的最后日期为2019年8月19日(英国时间23点59分),此日期之后将不再下发针对2019年入学的CAS。
Dear partners,
We are emailing to let you know that Leeds University Business School (LUBS) have set important deadlines for September 2019 entry applicants:
Applicants will need to supply any documentary evidence in response to the conditions of their offer as soon as possible and by 31st July 2019 (23:59 UK time) at the very latest. And the latest date that a CAS can be issued is 19th August 2019 (23:59 UK time), therefore, applicants will need to accept their unconditional offer and pay their deposit before 12th August 2019 (23:59 UK time) because it can take up to one week for the tuition fee deposit to clear the accounts before a CAS can be issued.