1.新设专业: MA/MFA Designand Photography programmes
Dear Partner,
A big hello from the International Team at Edinburgh Napier University and wehope you are well in these busy months coming up to the new intake.
Applications for the September 2019 intake are still open for most of ourcourses.
The UCAS deadline for our September 2019 intake is the 30th June 2019.Generally, we do not have deadlines for our postgraduate programmes, howeverthere are exceptions. Any applicable deadlines will be displayed on the courseentry page.
It is important applicants apply as soon as possible before a course becomesfull. Applicants who require a visa to study here will need to take intoaccount the time it takes for this process.
In our Spring newsletter, we wanted to take the opportunity to announce our newMA/MFA courses as well as sharing some Edinburgh Napier stories, while lookingforward to our September 2019 intake.
New MA/MFA Design and Photography
We are happy to announce our new MA/MFA Design andPhotography programmes. Applications for our September 2019 intake are open.