帝国理工提供本科和研究生教育,共有五个学院,工程学院,医学院,自然科学院,生命科学院和商学院。除此之外,还有一个人文系,提供选修的政治,经济,历史,艺术和语言课程。 通常被认为是英国最严格的大学,它授予一等学位的比例和每年的淘汰率都十分引人瞩目,尽管它是英国入学标准最高的大学之一。
Imperial College Student Opportunities Fund (PhD) 在获得4的前提下才能被列为申请者
额度:A contribution towards maintenance costs
如果你有幸获得了2 Imperial College International Scholarships这个奖学金,学校会再把你列为Imperial College Student Opportunities Fund (PhD)的候选人,这个具体名额有几个不清楚,但竞争更激烈是肯定的。
Lee Family Scholarship 无需申请,学校自动将符合条件的申请人列入候选名单
额度及要求:PhD Students of Chinese nationality,ordinarily resident in mainland China or Hong Kong (excludes Taiwan) Full tuition fees,a contribution towards maintenance costs and inbound /outbound flights
SHKP - Kwoks‘ Foundation ~ Imperial College PhD Scholarship
额度及要求:PhD Only for Chinese citizens £20,000 per annum for a maximum of 4 years TBC (approx March 2011)
Professor Shawki Saad scholarships
额度及要求:PhD Students applying to the Departmen of Civil Engineering Full tuition fees and a contribution towards maintenance costs
Stephen and Anna Hui Fellowship
额度及要求:A graduate of a University in China,Taiwan or Hong Kong to undertake research within the Earth Science & Engineering or Materials department Full tuition fees and a contribution towards maintenance costs