
  华威大学(The University of Warwick),全球百强名校,英国顶尖研究型大学 ,历年最高排名为全球48名(2015年QS排名),稳居英国国内大学排名前十。位于英国英格兰中部华威郡和考文垂市的交界处。立思辰深圳留学360徐永先老师介绍说,华威大学创立于1965年,以其高水准的学术研究和教学质量而闻名,在世界各大主流大学排名中,常居全球前百名乃至前五十名。

  立思辰深圳留学360徐永先老师介绍说,华威大学在工、商、政、学各界均拥有良好口碑,克林顿访英时特地到访参观华威。世界闻名的华威商学院(Warwick Business School,缩写WBS)被誉为英国最顶尖的商学院之一,半个世纪里,华威商学院的卓越表现使其在主要排行榜中稳居英国前5名,欧洲前10名,世界前30名,并处于持续上升的势头。此外,其传媒、戏剧、经济学等专业名列前茅。传媒和戏剧专业更是多次荣膺英国专业排名第一。

  Undergraduate CoursesA-Z本科课程清单

  Accounting and Finance (NN34)

  Accounting and Finance (with foundation year) (N4N4)

  Ancient History and Classical Archaeology (VV14)

  Ancient History and Classical Archaeology with Study in Europe (VV18)

  Applied Engineering (Part-time through WMG)

  Automotive Engineering (H330)

  Automotive Engineering (MEng) (H335)

  Biochemistry (C700)

  Biochemistry (MBio) (C1A2)

  Biological Sciences (C100)

  Biological Sciences (MBio) (C1A1)

  Biomedical Science (B900)

  Biomedical Science (MBio) (C1A3)

  Business Studies (please see Management, Management (with foundation year), International Management,International Business, Accounting and Finance, Accounting and Finance (with foundation year) andInformation Systems Management and Innovation)

  Chemistry (F100)

  Chemistry (MChem) (F105)

  Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry (F121)

  Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry (MChem) (F125)

  Civil Engineering (H200)

  Civil Engineering (MEng) (H202)

  Classical Civilisation (Q820)

  Classical Civilisation with Philosophy (Q8V5)

  Classical Civilisation with Study in Europe (Q821)

  Classics (Q800)

  Classics (Ancient Greek) with Study in Europe (Q801)

  Classics (Latin) with Study in Europe (Q802)

  Computer and Management Sciences (GN42)

  Computer Science (G400)

  Computer Science (MEng) (G403)

  Computer Systems Engineering (G406)

  Computer Systems Engineering (MEng) (G408)

  Counselling and Psychotherapy (Foundation Degree with our Centre for Lifelong Learning)

  Data Science (7G73)

  Discrete Mathematics (G190)

  Discrete Mathematics (MEng) (G4G3)

  Early Childhood Degree (with our Centre for Lifelong Learning)

  Economics (L100)

  Economics and Global Sustainable Development (L1L8)

  Economics and Industrial Organization (L112)

  Economics, Politics and International Studies (LLD2)

  Education Studies (X35B)

  Electronic Engineering (H610)

  Electronic Engineering (MEng) (H612)

  Engineering (H100)

  Engineering (MEng) (H102)

  Engineering and Business Studies (H1N1)

  Engineering Business Management (HN12)

  English and Cultural Studies (Part-Time through our Centre for Lifelong Learning)

  English and French (QR31)

  English and German Literature (QR32)

  English and Hispanic Studies (QR34)

  English and Italian Literature (QR33)

  English and Latin Literature (QQ36)

  English and Theatre Studies (QW34)

  English Language, Media & Intercultural Communication (Undergraduate Diploma)

  English Literature (Q300)

  English Literature and Creative Writing (QW38)

  European Law (4 years) (M125)

  European Studies (Part-time with our Centre for Lifelong Learning)

  Film and Literature (QW26)

  Film Studies (W620)

  French Studies (Part-time with our Centre for Lifelong Learning)

  French Studies (R120)

  French Studies and Economics (R1L1)

  French Studies and Linguistics (R1Q1)

  French Studies with Arabic (R1T6)

  French Studies with Chinese (R1T1)

  French and German Studies (RR12)

  French and History (RV11)

  French and Italian Studies (RR13)

  French Studies with Japanese (R1T2)

  French Studies with German (R1R2)

  French Studies with Italian (R1R3)

  French Studies with Spanish (R1R4)

  French with Film Studies (R1W6)

  French Studies with Portuguese (R1R5)

  French Studies with Russian (R1R7)

  French with Sociology (R1L3)

  French with Theatre Studies (R1W4)

  German and Business Studies (RN21)

  German and Economics (R2L1)

  German and History (RV21)

  German and Sociology (RL23)

  German and Theatre Studies (RW24)

  German Studies (R220)

  German Studies and Linguistics (R2Q1)

  German Studies with Arabic (R2T6)

  German Studies with Chinese (R2T1)

  German Studies with Japanese (R2T2)

  German Studies with Portuguese (R2R5)

  German Studies with Russian (R2R7)

  German and Italian (RR23)

  German with Film Studies (R2P3)

  German with French (R2R1)

  German with Italian (R2R3)

  German with Spanish (R2R4)

  Global Sustainable Development and Business Studies (L8N1)

  Health and Social Policy (Part Time with our Centre for Lifelong Learning)

  Hispanic Studies (R400)

  Hispanic Studies and Economics (R4L1)

  Hispanic Studies and French (RR41)

  Hispanic Studies and German (RR42)

  Hispanic Studies and Italian (RR43)

  Hispanic Studies and Linguistics (R4Q1)

  Hispanic Studies and Theatre Studies (R4RW)

  Hispanic Studies with Arabic (R4T6)

  Hispanic Studies with Chinese (R4T1)

  Hispanic Studies with Film Studies (RP43)

  Hispanic Studies with French (RR4B)

  Hispanic Studies with German (RR4F)

  Hispanic Studies with Italian (RR4H)

  Hispanic Studies with Japanese (R4T2)

  Hispanic Studies with Portuguese (R4R5)

  Hispanic Studies with Russian (R4R7)

  History (Part Time with our Centre for Lifelong Learning)

  History (Renaissance/Modern and Modern) (V100)

  History and Global Sustainable Development (V1L8)

  History and Italian (VR13)

  History and Philosophy (V1V5)

  History and Politics (VL12)

  History and Sociology (VL13)

  History of Art (V350)

  History of Art with Italian (V3R3)

  Humanities (Part Time with our Centre for Lifelong Learning)

  Information Systems Management and Innovation (IN22)

  International Business (N110)

  International Management (N290)

  Italian (R300)

  Italian Studies and Economics (R3L2)

  Italian Studies and Linguistics (R3Q1)

  Italian and Classics (RQ38)

  Italian and European Literature (RQ32)

  Italian and History of Art (RV33)

  Italian with Film Studies (R3W6)

  Italian with French (R3R1)

  Italian with German (R3R2)

  Italian with Spanish (R3R4)

  Italian with Theatre Studies (R3W4)

  Italian Studies with Arabic (R3T6)

  Italian Studies with Chinese (R3T1)

  Italian Studies with Japanese (R3T2)

  Italian Studies with Portuguese (R3R5)

  Italian Studies with Russian (R3R7)

  Language, Culture and Communication (X3Q5)

  Law (3years) (M100)

  Law (4 years) (M101)

  Law (4 Years - Study Abroad in English) (M108)

  Law and Business Studies (MN11)

  Law and Sociology (4 years) (ML13)

  Law with Humanities (MV21)

  Law with Social Sciences (ML23)

  Liberal Arts (LA99)

  Life Sciences and Global Sustainable Development (C1L8)

  Linguistics with Arabic (Q2T6)

  Linguistics with Chinese (Q2T1)

  Linguistics with French (Q2R1)

  Linguistics with German (Q2R2)

  Linguistics with Italian (Q2R3)

  Linguistics with Spanish (Q2R4)

  Linguistics with Japanese (Q2T2)

  Linguistics with Portuguese (Q2R5)

  Linguistics with Russian (Q2R7)

  Management (N200)

  Management (with foundation year) (N20A)

  Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering (HH73)

  Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering (MEng) (HH37)

  Mathematics (G100)

  Mathematics (MMath) (G103)

  Mathematics and Business Studies (G1NC)

  Mathematics and Economics (GL11)

  Mathematics and Philosophy (GV15)

  Mathematics and Physics (GF13)

  Mathematics and Physics (MPhys) (FG31)

  Mathematics and Statistics (GG13)

  Mathematics and Statistics (inc. MMathStat) (GGC3)

  Mechanical Engineering (H300)

  Mechanical Engineering (MEng) (H302)

  Medical Microbiology and Virology (C526)

  Medical Microbiology and Virology (MBio) (C1A4)

  Medicine (MBChB) (A101)

  Modern Languages (BA)

  Modern Languages and Economics (R9L1)

  Modern Languages and Linguistics (R9Q1)

  Modern Languages with Linguistics (R9Q2)

  MMORSE (Mathematics, Operational Research, Statistics and Economics) (G0L0)

  MORSE (Mathematics, Operational Research, Statistics and Economics) (GLN0)

  Person Centred Counselling and Psychotherapy (Foundation degree and part-time with our Centre for Lifelong Learning)

  Philosophy (V500)

  Philosophy and Global Sustainable Development (V5L8)

  Philosophy and Literature (VQ52)

  Philosophy with Classical Civilisation (V5Q8)

  Philosophy with Psychology (V5C8)

  Philosophy, Politics and Economics (L0V0)

  Physics (F300)

  Physics (MPhys) (F303)

  Physics and Business Studies (FN31)

  Politics (L200)

  Politics and Sociology (LL23)

  Politics and International Studies and Global Sustainable Development (L2L8)

  Politics, International Studies and French (M163)

  Politics, International Studies and German (M164)

  Politics, International Studies and Hispanic Studies (M166)

  Politics, International Studies and Italian (M165)

  Politics, International Studies and Quantitative Methods (7L29)

  Politics and International Studies (L260)

  Psychology (C800)

  Psychology and Global Sustainable Development (C8L8)

  Social Studies (Part Time with our Centre for Lifelong Learning)

  Social Studies (2+2 with our Centre for Lifelong Learning)

  Sociology (L300)

  Sociology and Global Sustainable Development (L3L8)

  Sociology and Quantitative Methods (52L8)

  Spanish, see Hispanic Studies

  Theatre and Performance Studies (W440)

  Theatre and Performance Studies and Global Sustainable Development (W4L8) 

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[华威大学本科课程设置] 文章生成时间为:2018-07-31 01:13:20
华威大学(The University of Warwick)
  • 院校名称:华威大学
  • 学校类型:公立大学
  • 建校时间:1965年
  • 世界排名:62 世界排名:10
  • 学生人数:24000人
  • 院校地址:Coventry CV4 7AL, UK
  • 中文介绍:http://school.liuxue360.com/uk/warwick/
  • 华威大学(The University of Warwick) 位于英国英格兰中部考文垂市和华威郡交界处,是一所稳居英国前十、世界百强的顶尖研究型大学,也是英国“常青藤”罗素大学集团...…[详细介绍]

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