MSc in Computing Science计算机科学 This course provides a year of intensive training in computer science and is suitable for graduates of disciplines other than computing who are preparing for a career in the computer industry.
MSc in Advanced Computing 高级计算机 It is aimed at students who have a substantial background in computing and who want to study advanced computing concepts and technologies in more depth.
MSc in Computing (Artificial Intelligence)计算机人工智能 This specialism focuses on artificial intelligence and knowledge engineering, and the development of computational and engineering models of complex cognitive and social behaviours. Study areas include: cognitive robotics, complexity, complex systems, computational finance, computer networks, and distributed systems.
MSc in Computing (Computational Management Science)计算机管理科学 This course provides specialisation in the management of software development and the application of software technology to management and organisational information systems.
MSc in Computing(Machine Learning) 计算机机械学习 This course specialises in sophisticated data mining and machine learning techniques, exploiting scalable data management and processing infrastructures, including neurotechnology, bioinformatics, security and human-centered computing.
MSc in Computing(Software Engineering) 计算机软件工程 This course specialises in the application of engineering to the design, development, and maintenance of software. Study areas include computational finance; computer networks and distributed systems; computer vision; computing for optimal decisions; custom computing; databases; distributed algorithms; distributed systems; graphics; intelligent data and probabilistic inference; and an introduction to bioinformatics.
MSc in Computing(Secure Software Systems) 计算机安全系统软件 This course specialises in the processes and mechanisms by which computer-based equipment, information and services are protected from unintended or unauthorised access.
MSc in Computing(Visual Information Processing) 计算机可视信息处理 This specialism focuses on the study of vision, graphics, intelligent behaviour and biomedical image computing.
立思辰留学360指出,在计算机方面的工作可以开启通往广泛范围职业的大门。角色跨越了在许多行业的技术创新、管理,分析、咨询、培训和研究。该校与许多计算机专业毕业生的主要雇主有着密切关系——不仅仅是软件和通信公司如微软、IBM、惠普、Facebook、亚马逊、谷歌和飞利浦——也包括金融计算机用户,包括Goldman Sacks,布隆伯格,瑞银(UBS)、巴克莱资本、瑞士信贷和德意志银行。