拉夫堡大学伦敦校区在Here East办公楼里,共有五层,分别为公共餐饮层、研究生层、图书馆层、博士生及教授层。值得一提的是,伦敦校区还与英国电视转播公司BT Sport同处一座办公楼,学生可以使用其免费接送班车和食堂。同时,学生还可以获得参与BT Sport节目录制的机会,很多同学就亲眼看着欧文、费德南德等足球巨星录制节目。立思辰留学360介绍,吸引眼球的是,伦敦校区的选址是位于承办2012年夏季奥运会与残奥会的奥林匹克公园(Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park)园区内,距离主体育场伦敦碗只有十分钟路程。
1.Institute for Design Innovation
·MA Design and Culture
·MA/MSc Design Innovation
·MSc Design Innovation Management
·MSc Entrepreneurial Design Management
2.Institute for Digital Techlonogies
·MSc Cyber Security and Big Data
·MSc Digital Engineering and Innovation Management
·MSc Digital Media Systems
·MSc Internet and Media Clouds
·MSc Internet Media Clouds with Business
·MSc Internet Technologies with Business
·MSc Mobile Internet
3.Glendonbrook Institute for Enterprise Development
·MSc Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management
·MSc Entrepreneurship, Finance and Innovation
·MSc Managing Innovation in Creative Organisations
4.Institute for Soport Business
·MSc Sport Business and Innovation
·MSc Sport Digital and Media Technologies
·MSc Sport Leadership
5.Institute for Meida and Creative Industries
·MA Media and Creative Industries
6.The Academy of Diplomacy and International Governance
·MSc Diplomacy, Business and Trade
·MSc Diplomacy, Communication & Information Management
·MSc Diplomacy, Statecraft and Foreign Policy
·MSc Security, Peace-building and Diplomacy
1.迪恩创业奖学金(Dean’s Award for Enterprise):该奖学金为拥有出色商业想法与雄心的学生提供减免90%的学费,助他们将商业创意想法变成现实。
2. 优秀奖学金(Excellence Scholarship):该奖学金为来自全球的拥有杰出成就的学生提供减免20%学费。
3. 校友助学金(Alumni Bursary):如果你是拉夫堡大学的校友,你将得到20%的学费减免。