第一部分: 笔试--语言(90分钟)paper 1 C language (90 minutes):
雅思未达到5.5(写作5.0)的学生需要参加(for students who have not achieved ielts 5.5 with 5 in the writing section))
1. 语法,阅读--多项选择 grammar, reading C multiple choice
2. 听力--多项选择及简答listening C multiple choice and short answer
3. 完形填空gap-fill (cloze) C one word answers
第二部分:笔试--论文写作 (90分钟)paper 2 C essay (90 minutes)
所有申请人必须参加(for all icc applicants)
讨论性的论文写作,考核学生在指定题材内的写作能力。discussion type essay to see how you can develop your ideas on a general issue in writing.
第三部分: 面试(30分钟) interview ( approximately 30 minutes)( 可能会涉及到的问题)
面试会涉及你的学术背景、学习计划、学习动机、独立性、成功留学英国的学习能力等方面。请在面试之前详细了解soas的预科,在面试中可能会被问到你选择该预科的原因。to explore your background, study plan, motivation, independence, ability to study successfully in the uk university system. please make sure that you have read any information about the icc as we will ask you specific questions about your reasons for studying on the icc。