


  AAB Scholarships

  The University of Worcester will be offering £1,000 scholarships in the form of fee waivers to all students who achieve AAB or above at A-level, or the equivalent qualification (e.g. BTEC).

  Academic Scholarships

  The University awards scholarships of £1000 to eligible undergraduate students in their first and second year of a degree course or first year of a Foundation degree or HND on the basis of their academic achievement at the University. Students do not apply for these scholarships as they are awarded to eligible students with the best academic profiles across the University.

  Bosch Scholarships

  Four £2,500 Bosch Scholarships are awarded for merit in year one of business, computing and related subjects (which will include the opportunity  to take a one year paid work placement with the Worcester Bosch Group).

  Choral Scholarships

  In partnership with Worcester Cathedral, Choral Scholarships are available to young men with counter-tenor, tenor and baritone/ bass voices and are aimed at encouraging young singers to become part of the long-standing tradition of Cathedral Music, while pursuing a course of study.

  Scholars will receive £2,000, paid in instalments over 12 months, private singing tuition and support from a Principal Lay Clerk. In addition to regular services, the post will give an opportunity to sing with the Cathedral Choir in concerts, recordings, tours and the world famous Three Choirs Festival, for which additional remuneration will be paid.

  University Scholarships (Extra-Curricular Activities)

  Students have the opportunity twice a year to apply for funds, up to £1000, to assist them with activities such as:

  Voluntary activities which are community based, either in the UK or abroad

  Activities related to a past-time or interest in which the student is involved (e.g. music or some other arts-based area; elite sport)

  The deadline for applications is the 1st December and 1st March each year and information regarding how to apply is available via the student SOLE page and Registry Services normally 6 weeks prior to the deadline.

  Recent success stories include:

  Samantha House, who has represented Great Britain internationally at trampolining.

  Greg Higgit, who has taken part in golf tournaments against professional players around the globe.

  Jayne Power, who took part in a Girl Guide movement event in America.

  Charlotte Paddock, who travelled to the Harnas Wildlife Foundation in Namibia to look after orphaned and endangered animals.

  Scholarships for International students

  Overseas students who are currently holding an offer from us and are not being funded from another source can apply for an International scholarship.

  Students may also apply for a range of scholarships and funding provided by UK and international Government bodies, the European Commission, funding trusts, a number of research councils, industry and employers.

  For more information about scholarship funding and eligibility, please download the Additional information for International Students document.

  Email the International Office on international@worc.ac.uk to request further details and receive a copy of the application form.

  Learn more about funding opportunities on the British Council website.

  Commonwealth Shared Scholarship Scheme

  The Shared Scholarship Scheme is a joint initiative between the UK Department for International Development (DFID) and UK universities, to jointly support scholarships for students from developing Commonwealth countries who would not otherwise be able to study in the United Kingdom. See the Additional Information for International Students link on this page for more information about the Commonwealth Shared Scholarship Scheme and how to apply.


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[伍斯特大学奖学金] 文章生成时间为:2018-01-13 06:47:12
伍斯特大学(University of Worcester)
  • 院校名称:伍斯特大学
  • 学校类型:公立大学
  • 建校时间:1946年
  • 世界排名:92
  • 学生人数:10095人
  • 院校地址:St John's Campus, Henwick Grove, Worcester WR2 6AJ
  • 中文介绍:http://school.liuxue360.com/uk/worc/
  • 伍斯特大学坐落在位于英格兰中部,号称“英格兰心脏”的伍斯特市。伍斯特大学是英国近几年来发展最迅速的大学之一。伍斯特大学建校于1946年,周边交通便利,自然风景优...…[详细介绍]

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