
  The fees for new international students on full-time courses in 2011-12 per year are:

  £8,750 - international foundation programmes

  £9,750 - full-time undergraduate courses

  £1,000 for undergraduate placement year

  £10,250 for full-time postgraduate courses

  £12,250 for the MBA Master of Business Administration.

  Deposits for self-funding students

  All self-funded students must pay a deposit before receiving the Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) number which enables you to apply for a visa. You will be notified of the deposit amount in your conditional offer. If you are refused a visa your deposit will be refunded once you have provided the Finance Department with the original refusal documentation.

  Payment terms

  You must pay 50% of your net course fees before enrolment at the University - you may then pay the remaining 50% in up to seven monthly instalments.

  If you pay in full before enrolment you get a 5% early payment discount of the net course fee.

  Your course fees are fixed at the same level for all the years you study on the same course. These payment terms apply for each year of study.

  As an international or European student you can pay fees in your own currency through the Studentpay scheme.

  Sponsored students

  Before we can issue you with a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) number we must receive confirmation that your fees will be paid by your sponsor. We will only accept such letters from approved sponsors.

  You must bring an original copy of your sponsorship letter when you arrive at the University to enrol.

  You will not be entitled to the International Scholarship.

  International scholarship

  £1,500 a year scholarship

  A scholarship of £1,500 per year is available for all self-funded international (non-European Union) students studying on foundation, undergraduate or postgraduate programmes. Scholarships are awarded as a fee reduction for every year of full-time study.

  If you are sponsored by your company, government or similar, you will not be entitled to the international scholarship.

  Staying on bonus

  £1,000 discount

  If you study at undergraduate level with us and then progress to a postgraduate course by applying directly to the University (ie not through an agent), or you complete a master‘s course with us and progress to further postgraduate study, you will be awarded a progression bursary of £1,000 on your first-year fees on the next programme.

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[提赛德大学学费需要多少?] 文章生成时间为:2017-09-04 22:25:04
提赛德大学(University of Teesside)
  • 院校名称:提赛德大学
  • 学校类型:公立大学
  • 建校时间:1930年
  • 世界排名:87
  • 学生人数:28000人
  • 院校地址:Campus Heart, Southfield Rd, Tees Valley, Middlesbrough TS1 3BX
  • 中文介绍:http://school.liuxue360.com/uk/tees/
  • 提赛德大学具有悠久而严谨的教育历史,其前身为1930年成立的康斯坦丁技术学院。经过多年的发展,学院于1992年正式更名为提赛德大学。英国著名大学评价网站调查结果显示...…[详细介绍]

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