英国专门负责教育及升学就业的组织(Quacquarelli Symonds)QS每年都会发布自己的世界大学排名,今年比去年提前了近三个月,QS World University Rankings? 2018旨在为学生探索全球最顶尖的大学,84个国家的959所大学上榜!
学术声誉(Academic Reputation)40%,雇主声誉(Employer Reputation)10%,生师比(Faculty/Student Ratio)20%,教师引用率(Citations per Faculty)20%,国际教师比例(International Faculty Ratio)5%,国际学生比例(International Student Ratio)5%。
美国的麻省理工学院第六年高居第一名,前四名都是美国的大学。英国大学排名继续下滑,76所上榜的英国大学中,排名最高的是剑桥大学(University of Cambridge),今年第五名,其次是牛津大学(University of Oxford)、伦敦大学学院UCL (University College London)和帝国理工学院(Imperial CollegeLondon)。
带你们看2018年QS世界大学排名TOP 100
PS:大学名称后( )里的数字是去年的排名
1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT)
2. Stanford University LogoStanfordUniversity
3. Harvard University LogoHarvard University
4. California Institute of Technology(Caltech)
5. University of Cambridge(4)
剑桥大学将将保住TOP 5的位置,但好在雇主声誉剑桥大学排第一,挣回一点面子
6. University of Oxford(6)
7. UCL (University College London)(7)
8. Imperial College London(9)
9. University of Chicago
10. ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute ofTechnology
11. Nanyang Technological University,Singapore (NTU)
12. Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne(EPFL)
13. Princeton University
14. Cornell University
15. National University of Singapore (NUS)
16. Yale University LogoYale University
17. Johns Hopkins University
18. Columbia University
19. University of Pennsylvania
20. The Australian National University
=21. Duke University LogoDuke University
=21. University of Michigan
=23. King‘s College London(21)
=23. The University of Edinburgh(19)
25. Tsinghua University (=24)
天朝清华大学保住了TOP 25的位置
26. The University of Hong Kong
27. University of California, Berkeley (UCB)
=28. Northwestern University
=28. The University of Tokyo
30. The Hong Kong University of Science andTechnology
31. University of Toronto
32. McGill University
33. University of California, Los Angeles(UCLA)
34. The University of Manchester(29)
35. London School of Economics and PoliticalScience (LSE) (=37)
=36. Kyoto University
=36. Seoul National University
=38. Peking University(39)
=38. University of California, San Diego(UCSD)
40. Fudan University(43)
=41. The University of Melbourne
=41. KAIST - Korea Advanced Institute ofScience & Technology
43. Ecole normale supérieure, Paris
44. University of Bristol(41)
45.The University of New South Wales (UNSWSydney)
46. The Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK)
=47. Carnegie Mellon University
=47. The University of Queensland
49. City University of Hong Kong
50. The University of Sydney
51. University of British Columbia
52. New York University (NYU)
53. Brown University
54. Delft University of Technology
55. University of Wisconsin-Madison
56. Tokyo Institute of Technology
57. The University of Warwick(=51)
58. University of Amsterdam
59. Ecole Polytechnique
60. Monash University
61. University of Washington
62. Shanghai Jiao Tong University(61)
63. Osaka University
64. Technical University of Munich
65. University of Glasgow(=63)
66. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit?t München
67. University of Texas at Austin
68. Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg
69. University of Illinois atUrbana-Champaign
70. Georgia Institute of Technology
=71. KU Leuven
=71. Pohang University of Science AndTechnology (POSTECH)
=73. University of Copenhagen
=73. University of Zurich
75. Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)
=76. National Taiwan University (NTU)
=76. Tohoku University
=78. Durham University(=74)
=78. Lund University
80. University of North Carolina, ChapelHill
81. Boston University
=82. The University of Sheffield(84)
=82. The University of Auckland
=84. The University of Nottingham(=75)
=84. University of Birmingham(82)
86. The Ohio State University
87. Zhejiang University(110)
我大天朝浙江大学这么流弊了,进了TOP 100,看到这里我总算是可以大笑三声
88. Trinity College Dublin, The University ofDublin
89. Rice University
=90. University of Alberta
=90. Korea University
92. University of St Andrews(77)
16所罗素大学上榜TOP 100,11所大学排名有所下降
=93 Pennsylvania State University
=93 The University of Western Australia
=95. Lomonosov Moscow State University
=95. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
97. University of Science and Technology ofChina(104)
中国科技大学,又一所天朝大学入围TOP 100,V5
=98. University of Geneva
=98. KTH Royal Institute of Technology
100. Washington University in St. Louis