

  The University of Oxford is a university located in Oxford in the United Kingdom. It is the oldest university of all those in countries where English is the people‘s first language.

  The university consists of 38 colleges and another 6 “private halls”. All of these colleges have their own buildings and their own staff, making Oxford quite different from most modern universities where all the students live on a “campus”. Oxford does not have a campus, although it does have some central places where students from different colleges can come together either to study (for example, libraries) or to enjoy themselves (for example, the Oxford Union).


  Many people who study history think that there was a university in Oxford in the 11th century, and the University of Oxford grew bigger in 1167, after English students studying in Paris, France were not allowed to continue studying after the murder of St Thomas Becket by King Henry II of England. There were fights between the students in Oxford and the people who lived there in the early 13th century. Some students and teachers left the university in 1209, and made a new university in Cambridge. These two universities are now great rivals, and together are sometimes known as “Oxbridge”.

  Until 1920, women were not allowed to take degrees at Oxford, although some women studied at Oxford before that time. Nowadays all the colleges allow both men and women as students, and the number of male and female students is roughly equal.

  One of the most famous professors at university was Lewis Carroll, author of Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass, nonsense stories for children.

  Colleges and Halls(学院):

  There are 38 colleges at Oxford and 6 ’permanent private halls‘.

  A college will normally offer the students accommodation (a room to sleep and study in) for the first and last years of their time at University. Many also offer accommodation for other years. A college will also have space for teaching and socializing. When most of the older colleges started they were only for people of one sex, but St Hilda’s College, the last college to allow only women to study there, recently allowed men as well.

  A permanent private hall is slightly different to a college. They were normally started by religious groups to educate their members in philosophy and theology, but some have since grown and offer a broader range of subjects. Some halls are run by monks and will only accept male students.

  Most colleges will teach at both undergraduate (the more basic first degree that a student takes) and postgraduate (a higher level of study) level. There are also some special colleges who are more restrictive. Five college only offer space to postgraduate students. Harris Manchester college is only for ‘Mature Students’ (those who are over 21 when they start their degree). All Souls college does not take students - all of its members teach students or do research.

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[牛津大学english介绍有吗] 文章生成时间为:2017-04-22 23:56:32
牛津大学(University of Oxford)
  • 院校名称:牛津大学
  • 学校类型:公立大学
  • 建校时间:1167年
  • 世界排名:4 世界排名:2
  • 学生人数:15000人
  • 院校地址:Wellington Square, Oxford OX1 2JD
  • 中文介绍:http://school.liuxue360.com/uk/ox/
  • 牛津大学(University of Oxford)是英国最负盛名的高等学府之一,其教学品质享誉国际,学校以”梦幻尖塔”之称而闻名世界,校园到处可见历史悠久的建筑,还有广阔的绿...…[详细介绍]

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