立思辰留学360介绍说,利兹大学(The University of Leeds),世界百强名校,英国顶尖学府,英国常春藤名校联盟“罗素大学集团”成员,红砖大学成员,世界大学联盟成员,白玫瑰大学联盟成员。其校史可追溯于1831年,建校至今共培养出6位诺贝尔奖得主以及包括约翰·托尔金、张国荣在内的其它众多著名校友。学校在教学与科研方面享有崇高声誉, 2014年12月18日,英国唯一由官方组织的研究卓越框架(REF)评估中,利兹大学综合实力位居全英第10位。2016年TIMES英国大学排名上位居全英第14位。在2015/16QS世界大学排名上位居英国第18位,世界第87位。最新U.S.NEWs世界大学排名中全英第12名。在2016年1月发布的QS世界大学就业能力排名中利兹大学位居全英第3位,世界第20位。
Sir William Henry Bragg,OM,KBE,PRS– For his services (with his sonWilliam Lawrence Bragg) in the analysis ofcrystal structure by means of X-rays.
George Porter,OM,FRS– University of Leeds graduate - For studies of extremely fast chemical reactions (flash photolysis).
Wole Soyinka– University of Leeds graduate - the Nigerian writer was awarded for the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1986.
Piers Forster- current member of staff at the University of Leeds shares the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for with co-authors of the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change Report and Al Gore
Archer John Porter Martin, was an English chemist who shared the 1952 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the invention of partition chromatography with Richard Synge.
Richard Laurence Millington Synge,was a British biochemist, and shared the 1952 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the invention of partition chromatography with Archer Martin.It was during his time in Leeds that he worked with Archer Martin, developing partition chromatography, a technique used in the separation mixtures of similar chemicals, that revolutionized analytical chemistry.