专业名称 银行与金融
Banking and Finance
专业类型 MSc
专业方向 金融会计银行会计 (排名11) 金融 (排名11)
所在大学 拉夫堡大学,Loughborough
院系信息 School of Business and Economics
This programme provides both basic training in preparation for higher degrees by research (MPhil or PhD), and vocational training for careers in the financial services sectors of industry and government, particularly banking and central banking.
The MSc in Banking and Finance provides training in banking, finance and research methods whilst allowing continued specialisation in either microeconomics or macroeconomics.
A very wide choice of options enables you to develop expertise in your selected area of economics, banking and finance
Semester 1
Compulsory Modules
Financial Economics
Research Methods or Mathematical and Econometric Methods
Research Communication (two-semester module)
The Financial System
Optional Modules
Economics of Money and Finance
Macroeconomic Analysis
Microeconomics Analysis
Stochastic Models in Finance
Introduction to Measure Theory and Martingales
Semester 2
Compulsory Modules
Asset Management and Derivatives, or Corporate Finance
Banking and Financial Markets
Research Communication (two-semester module)
Optional Modules
Applied Banking and Financial Modelling
Comparative Banking
Credit Risk Management
Development Finance
Financial Econometrics
Financial Market Trading
Game Theory
International Banking and Financial Markets
International Finance
Monetary Theory and Policy
Stochastic Calculus and Theory of Stochastic Pricing
Trade Theory and Policy
Choice of Semester 2 modules may be restricted by the option selected in Semester 1.
The School reserves the right to vary the list of optional modules. Option lists are published in September.
Summer Period
Students satisfy the research requirement by examined participation in research seminars. Subject to special conditions, students may submit a dissertation instead.
Semester One
Financial Economics
Research Communication (two-semester module)
The Financial System
One of
Mathematical and Econometric Methods
Research Methods
and one of
Economics of Money and Finance
Macroeconomic Analysis
Microeconomic Analysis
Introduction to Measure Theory and Martingales
Semester Two
Research Communication (two-semester module)
Banking and Financial Markets
At least one of
Asset Management and Derivatives
Corporate Finance
and at least one of
Applied Banking and Financial Modelling
Comparative Banking
Credit Risk Management
Development Finance
Financial Econometrics
Financial Market Trading
Game Theory
International Banking and Financial Markets
International Finance
Monetary Theory and Policy
Stochastic Calculus and Theory of Stochastic Pricing
Trade Theory and Policy
This programme is intended to provide both basic training in preparation for higher degrees by research (MPhil/PhD) and vocational training for careers in the financial services sectors of industry and Government, particularly banking and central banking.
入学时间 9月