童鞋们,伯明翰大学与英国the Royal Shakespeare Company’s Education Department and the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust公司合作,即将在 2015年3月份开展一个免费在线课程:
课程名称:‘Much Ado About Nothing: in Performance’ 《无事生非》:表演 (莎士比亚写的一本书)
课程主旨:探索莎士比亚时期此话剧如何排练上演,20世纪和21世纪如何被译文,以及2014 RSC 关于Much Ado About Nothing (Love’s Labour’s Won)产品是如何将此剧生动地呈献给现代观众的。
Week 1: Dr Nick Walton from the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust will discuss original performance conditions, looking at how Much Ado About Nothing would have been staged in Shakespeare’s time
Week 2: Dr Abigail Rokison from the Shakespeare Institute will look at the different ways in which the play has been interpreted throughout the 20th and 21st centuries
Week 3: Christopher Luscombe, Director of the 2014 production of Love’s Labour’s Won, will explore the role of the director in staging a modern production
Week 4: Michelle Terry and Edward Bennett, who play Beatrice and Benedick in the 2014 production, will discuss their process as actors and how they bring the text to life for the stage