Quora上面看到有人问:作为一个23岁的学生,现在开始做一些什么事情可以在5年之后觉得受益匪浅? 有个6千多like的答案,觉得很有用,分享给大家。
What can I start doing now that will help me a lot in about five years
I’m 23 years old and currently a physics student with large desire for progress, not only in my profession but also in all aspects of life.
Answer by David Cannon, FindProz.com Co-founder
There’s already a lot here and you probably stopped reading, but I couldn’t resist writing a note to my 23 year old self:
If you do anything, do this first one: learn how to work hard and stick with something. Learn how to turn off Facebook and control your addiction to social media. You’ll instantly be ahead of 90% of your generation.
先学会这一点:无论做什么事情,都努力,坚持的做完。 一旦你学会了控制自己不要去玩社交媒体,学会不去刷Facebook, 你就已经比你同辈90%的人都要进步了。
Video games are a time sink. If you can play for an hour and say “That was fun, let’s do something else” then you’re ok. Otherwise, just get rid of them.
玩游戏就跟浪费时间没区别。 除非你真能控制住只玩一小时之后愉快的去干别的事情,不然还是戒了吧。
Pick up an athletic hobby that you can do through the years, or your sedentary academic lifestyle will do horrible things to your posture, back, and gut.
Learn how to deal with interpersonal conflicts. Read Crucial Conversations and practice – it’s a lifechanger (shameless plug: Crucial Conversations Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High, Second Edition)
学会处理人际冲突… 上面这本书就不错
Learn as much programming as you can. It’s never a bad idea to learn a programming language
Learn how to display data in R.
Learn how to talk on the phone with people you don’t know. It still terrifies most people. Get a phone sales job and quit after a few weeks.
学会怎么在电话上跟陌生人交流。 去找一个电话销售的工作,干几个礼拜辞职就好。
Start some kind of little side venture to learn entrepreneurial principles. Start a window washing business, buy and sell stuff on Craigslist, do anything. You might need them if you’re in between jobs.
做一些小活来学会创业。 比如洗窗户啦,在Craigslist上卖点小玩意啦。 以后工作中你会用得到这些技能。
Take a course on statistics and how they’re misused, specifically how faulty causal arguments are made. It will change the way you approach almost any discussion, quantitative or not.
上一些统计学的课,知道他们是怎么被误用的。 将来对于识别一些谬论很有帮助。
Always have a private place where you can talk out loud to God every day. Even if you’re not religious or don’t believe in God. Talk out loud to the universe. Sort out your thoughts, verbalize them, and then write down what comes to mind. Something wiser than you is listening and responding, even if it’s just another side of you.
找一个属于自己的可以大声跟上帝说话地方。 哪怕你不信教,你可以就试着大声跟宇宙说话吧。 理清你的思绪,然后写下来。
Use http://Mint.com to track your expenses. Make a budget and learn how to stick to it. Learn to live lean now while you can, so you won’t be forced to later on.
用记录软件记录每天的开销,学会做预算。 学会过一些简朴的生活。
Learn a foreign language, but only if you anticipate using it.
Learn how to network. Read “Never Eat Alone.” (plug:http://amzn.to/XQqfrM). Hint: it’s about doing things for other people.
Learn how to cook tasty, cheap food.
Find music that inspires you and makes you feel alive.Listen to it every morning and if it’s something embarrassing just don’t tell your friends about it.
找些能够激励你的音乐。 每天早上起床后听着它。
Save up a few thousand dollars and go somewhere crazy with a few friends. Live in a hostel for a few weeks. It will change your life and you will think about it forever
攒个几千块钱,可以跟一些朋友去外面疯狂一次。 比如在青年旅店里住上几个星期,会改变你整个人生的看法。
When someone promises you easy money, run the other way. Yes, it IS a scam.
Read a book a week. When you get ridiculously wealthy, read a book a day. Read fiction too.