小编提示:为避免申请职位时因为签证问题无法获得录用,可在Cover letter中注明
因为你是中国学生,所以你的签证会被Sponsored by Tier 5 (GAE) ISIS。ISIS is endorsed by BIS and UKTI, with subsequent approval by UKVI (UK Visa and Immigration) Home Office, to act as the overarching body for a Tier 5 GAE Scheme (Government Authorised Exchange): ‘ISIS Meets the needs of UK industries and international students.BIS and UKTI support the central aim of the scheme to improve trade links and knowledge transfer between the UK and China.’ ISIS is a simple way for Chinese graduates to gain up to 1 year working experience at Chinese-interest companies with a Tier 5 visa sponsored by ISIS. 也可在面试中强调。