如果学生的条件不够直接申请埃塞克斯大学(University of Essex)的大一课程,埃塞克斯大学为学生准备了三类课程可以选择,分别是:
Four-year Degree
Bridging Year
Certificates of Higher Education in Business
Four-year Degree
课程包括了一年的预科课程相当于Year Zero是在国际学院读的,完成之后会转到相应的系里读本科大一课程。大一可以衔接的课程如下:
BA Modern History |
BA Accounting and Finance |
BA American History |
BA Accounting with Economics |
BA History and Literature |
BA Accounting and Management |
BA History of Art |
BSc Business Management |
BA English Literature |
BSc Finance |
BA Literature and Myth |
BSc Financial Management |
BA Literature and History of Art |
BSc Computers and Electronics |
BA Philosophy |
BA/BSC Economics |
BA Philosophy and History |
BA/BSC International Economics |
BA History and Literature |
BA/BSc Financial Economics |
BA Humanities |
BA/BSC Management |
BA Accounting |
BSC Management, Mathematics and Economics |
Bridging Year
读完直接入读大二的课程: Certificates of Higher Education in Business
上课地点: University of Essex Colchester Campus
方向: Accounting, Finance and Management 和 International Entrepreneurship and Innovation
入学要求:高中毕业,均分80分以上;IELTS5.5 写作5.0