For students classified as overseas for fees purposes, the annual full-time tuition fees payable in 2011–12 will range, in general, from £11,000 to £13,750, although fees for certain programmes may be higher.
Lower fees (equivalent to 25 per cent of the annual fee) are charged for the professional training year. Fees are reviewed annually, and increased fees will be payable by all students admitted to, or continuing, programmes of study in 2012.
As an international student studying with us, you can receive a generous performance scholarship for excellent academic achievement during your degree programme.
英国萨里大学(University of Surrey)的奖学金数量不多,特别是针对国际学生的奖学金更是非常稀缺,仅有几项可供申请。萨里大学的酒店管理和会展管理在英国非常出名,不过如果想申请奖学金,恐怕就要让很多学生失望了。